Oh Dear, Did You Hurt Your Face?
There is a just and loving God.
I know that because the more Ann Coulter talks about women being lesser creatures, the more odd her face begins to look.
I’m not being catty. Ann has cornered the market on catty. I’m just making a scientific observation.
My theory is that she couldn’t get rid of her Adam’s Apple so she was hoping that the weird plastic surgery eyes would distract you away from it.
That’s just a theory. The other theory is that God is getting even on earth, which is rare but in this case certainly welcome.
Reacting to Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) blunt reply to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on gun control, Republican pundit and author Ann Coulter exclaimed on Thursday night that the whole conversation makes her think “liberal women should not be able to hold office” in the United States.
“He’s absolutely right, he nailed her, so she said I’m offended,” Coulter said. “I used to think women just shouldn’t be able to vote. Now I think at least liberal women should not be able to hold office, and by woman I do not mean to limit that to the biological sense. That is not an answer, I’m offended.”
Ann, Honey, go look in the mirror. God is telling you to shuddup.
Anybody with a high school education knows that we do, indeed, limit the first and the fourth amendments. You cannot shout fire in a crowded theater so you also should not be allowed to bring a bazooka into one. Same deal.