Oh Dear

April 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here he goes.



I would give Comey $5 cash American money to tweet back, “I know you are but what am I?”

However, I am certain that Comey’s publisher would give Trump like half a million dollars to keep it up.


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0 Comments to “Oh Dear”

  1. Sharon Greiff says:

    This is absolutely horrifying that the President of the United States is sending messages like this. I’m at a loss for words

  2. maryelle says:

    All class, that Dump!

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    Will no one rid us of this turbulent fool?

  4. I wear a button that says”trump is a horrible person”. So true, would you ever think a President would call people names and speak like that? What a thug, no class is correct.

  5. Bernard Terway says:

    He is giving a pretty good description of himself. But, as Sharon said, this is so disgusting coming from the president, or, so-called president.

  6. NicaBrian says:

    Since he will not do a press conference we will never hear the question: “You call people liars. Have you said anything untrue to the American public in the last five days?”

  7. WA Skeptic – regarde vous Thomas A Becket? Shucks! this is one of the loudest ever growing choruses around!

  8. What else did we expect from the orange blob?

    BUT I am eagerly awaiting Comey’s latest book that will arrive on the 17th. They can do all sorts of character assassination on this man, but I hope we make him a multimillionaire – much richer than the Stump.

  9. Annnnnd once again out of the mouths of babes…

    “…Comey’s publisher would give Drumpf like half a million dollars to keep it up…”

    Comey should merely egg Spanky on rather than shut him up. I’m pretty sure the publisher knows exactly how many new sales each of Spanky’s tweets generates.

  10. Do you think someone in the West Wing has the job description Presidential Reader? And this weekend that person is required to read an advance copy of the new Comey book, highlight all the slime ball leaks and lies, and then read the condensed version again, out loud, for Trump, while he drinks a can of ice cold Diet Coca Cola?

    A lost weekend without the booze.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Every thing Drumpf tweets will be used against him in court. I am sure his lawyers have stapled this in crayon across his twitter screen, but it does no good.

  12. Old Quaker says:

    Drumpf’s favorite defense trait is projection as anyone who’s taken psyc 101 can clearly see. He has turned it into an art form, condeming himself with every phrase. Will I spend scarce dollars for a copy of Comey’s book? oh yeah!

  13. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Every tactic and/or insult Trump uses to further abuse his victims… was honed at the feet of Roy Cohn (and Cohn’s acolyte, Roger Stone). Accuse your victims of your own vile behavior so when the victim attempts to speak about the original offense or situation, he/she sounds whiny and childish. Trump would get calls from journalists who ask for ‘his side’ before publishing..those calls were triggers for him..but he’d call another paper and make accusatory statements about his victim before the original article is printed. Tactics taught by Roy Cohn – get ahead of the story.

    This Vanity Fair article does a good job of revealing the legacy of Roy Cohn and his fobbing a weaponized narcissist onto the national (and global) psyche…Donald J Trump

  14. Granted Trump is the untruthful slime ball here, but you have to remember that Comey was the last straw that put Trump in the White House by announcing a new investigation of Clinton, which went nowhere, a week before the election.

  15. What a disgusting SOBOTUS.
    Certainly unprecedented behavior in any nation’s public history. The only thing close would be ‘Nixon Live’, but even Tricky Dick had some class (and actually did some good things, although possibly for the wrong reasons). Comrade Bonespurs has done nothing positive.
    This sh!thead is like finding out after you’re in the house (or vehicle) that you’ve got some catchit (or dogchit) stuck on your heel. Whew…what’s that smell..

    That this vile bastard occupies our White House should make even that 30-40% Rethulikan base/core supporters, the teabaggers and talibangelicals, feel complete shame. But instead they lap it up and clamor for more.
    The sh!tstain in the WH needs to be removed, sooner the better, one way or another.

  16. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    RNC’s director of finance, Broidy resigned today after admitting to affair with bunny who had abortion.

  17. Nice link Sandridge. I like it.

    Yeah. President Shithole incriminates himself faster than anyone else can. He doesn’t need to stop until his a$$ is in Leavenworth. I didn’t know I could loathe a human being as much as I loathe him. The only one more repulsive is Bannon.

  18. # Rhea
    You are absolutely right about how destructive comey has been to the country.
    But in this case it is a bit like taking Larry Flynt’s/Hustlers side against falwell in censorship case.
    The messenger is fatally flawed but the principle still stands.
    Comey appears to be self rightous entitled prig who appeared to go out of his way to break a myriad of DoJ and FBI guidences and principles in service to nothing but his own ego. But compared to demented donnie and his outright burning of the constitution give me the self rightous prig.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    k, excellent synopsis! It would be difficult to defend the many ways Comey screwed the pooch. He wasn’t a neophyte who could claim the House political jackwagons pushed his hand in the Benghazi maelstrom of Congressional pressure.

    But as you point out, k, the “self righteous prig” certainly should overcome the self dealing criminal Dotard45 maladministration.

    Many support, too many support, the goofy goat molesting Donnie and his criminal cabal. That’s the snacilbupeR. We’re beyond caring what the dimwits think. Not only do we need to take back both the House and the Senate in 2018, we need to do so with a Blue Wave Momentum that as Emma Gonzales so eloquently stated: #NeverAgain

    Jane and I love children. We have two boys we love so much that we are more than ready to do what it takes to leave them a better future. Not only can we win in 2018, we can clobber Congress into the reality of both human and fiscal responsibility.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    Rhea, I totally agree, and perhaps this book is his way to atone for sabotage. OK for a first attempt, but more is needed.

  21. Opinionated Hussy says:

    What’s funny (funny peculiar, not funny ha!ha!) is that the Current Occupant bashes Comey for leaking classified information, but he just pardoned Scooter Libby for the same thing. I need a drink (and it’s not even 9 a.m.)

  22. Tilphousia says:

    Last count by factcheckers said traitor trump has told 2,465 lies. That’s a big pile of horse manure. But then horse manure has commercial value as fertilizer. Doubt if traitor trump has any value whatever.

  23. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Rhea’s got it. I refuse to make Comey any richer by buying his book. If he hadn’t torpedoed Clinton he’d still be director of the FBI. Just because trump is a loathsome scumbag, it doesn’t make the people he trashes automatically less awful. We need to hold on to our own moral compasses — none of this “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” crap. What’s next? “Poor Assad”? “Kim’s really a nice guy”? “Jeff Sessions made some good points today”?

    Sorry, but I’m really fed up with this. Some days I’d like to bury them all alive.

  24. Buttermilk Sky, Only “some days”? How about any and every damned day?

    “Some days I’d like to bury them all alive.”

    Don’t know how many of y’all have ever seen a working septic tank with the lid off, but it makes a generic swamp look like bottled water (I own four of them, they need periodic maintenance, which I hire a pumper for–IOW’s your very own sewerage systems w/all the hassles).
    That’s what these vermin have made our Capitol into, a septic tank. Would like to see them all dumped in to it and put the (real heavy) lid back on.

  25. twocrows says:

    Then, almost immediately after this tweet, Trump pardoned someone who leaked classified info and lied about it.

    Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up.

  26. eyesoars says:

    Re: Trump. It’s not the end, but it’s the beginning of the end.

    The fat lady’s on stage. She’s not singing yet. But she will be.

  27. Jane & PKM says:

    eyesoars, a minor correction to your astute observations. The “Fat Lady” will not sing. But there are a numbers of fat cat corpulent and corrupt morons, mostly male, surrounding Donnie who are already singing. Then again, how do we define ‘singing,’ when the biggest whiner of all Donnie is tweeting out song ugly choruses of covfefe and other attempts at shiny object distraction? In Donnie’s “defense,” maybe I misheard him when he said we’d grow tired of ‘winning.’ At this juncture, I’m ready to allow he said whining. It’s difficult to be patient with what portends to be a long hot summer. But autumn offers 3 sweet options with a Blue Tsunami in the midterms, impeachment and/or indictment of Orange Foolius, and a spectacular perp walk finale of the Drumpf Crime Family & associates.

  28. Hang on Jane & PKM, this summer promises to be the most entertaining year in a loooong time. Manafort’s first trial starts in midsummer with many undisclosed tidbits along the way. Manafort’s SECOND trial starts just before the midterm elections. If this doesn’t make you grab your surf boards for the blue tsunami, nothing will.

    Mueller is a master chess player; I have no doubt that these two trials were timed exactly this way. Those that know him say he ever asks a question that he doesn’t already know the answer to.

    Forget impeachment, lets see if Mueller can exceed Nixon’s number of indictments and jail terms by a factor of 10. President Pelosi has such a nice ring to it compared to what we have now.
