Oh Dear

July 02, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When your entire life and legacy has come to this …

Lindsey Graham was booed for several minutes in his home state of South Carolina while he appeared to help stump for Donald Trump at the ex-president’s rally on Saturday,” Rolling Stone reports.

“From the moment the U.S. senator from South Carolina was introduced into when he was at the podium speaking, the gathered crowd mercilessly booed him.”

Later, Trump told rallygoers that Graham could help him get “liberal votes.”

I kinda suspect he went back into the far corners of his closet and sobbed.

I cannot think of a more satisfying day of karma than this.  A good spanking followed by a public slap on his naked hiney from the man he kowtowed to.  Just lovely.

I’m gonna smile all day at the thought that Lindsey Graham is a gatherer of liberal votes.  I wonder if he keeps them in a little basket.


0 Comments to “Oh Dear”

  1. He’s truly a pathetic little man. If he wasn’t in a position to do so much harm, I’d feel sorry for him. I give him a little respect for supporting Ukraine, but I think he has a crush on President Zelenskyy. I don’t fault him for that either. I’m quite in love with Zelenskyy myself.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Weird how people look at the trail of discarded people littering Trump’s path, and say “Oh, he wouldn’t do that to me!”

    Lindsey needs to start working on his resume – he’ll never live down being someone who can deliver “liberal” votes – even if “liberal” means being slightly to the left of DeStalin.

  3. Lindsey Graham will deliver liberal votes? Yeah. And I’m the Tzarina of all the Russias.

  4. BarbinDC says:

    This is all rather delicious–in a perverse way–but unless SC puts its version of Tommy Tuberville (R-Gridiron) up against him, Miss Lindsey will be reelected as long as he wants the job.

    BTW: My Hubs (a not-very-proud graduate of USC–not the one in California) pointed out that SC is the only state with TWO “confirmed bachelors.” Makes me wonder if/when the whispering starts about Tim Scott.

  5. BarbinDC says:

    Two “confirmed bachelors” as Senators. I left that part out. Sorry.

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    I come from a family of South Carolina politicians. SC has always had a tendency to give its favorites a pass on sexual matters.

    Read “Secret and Sacred: The Diaries of James Henry Hammond, A Southern Slaveholder” by Carol K. Bleser.

    (We Thompsons were strong Hamptonites, and Hammond victimized Wade Hampton’s daughters, so we are to this day anti-Hammond.)

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I got scolded here a while back for calling him miss Lindsey, so I’m not going to call him that again. How about the orange moron’s pasty patsy. Any videos of him crying after his humiliating night? Only dem votes he will deliver are against himself and his lunatic hero.

  8. BarbinDC@4
    I want to know what is in the water in S.Carolina that you have two US Senators willing to lie and dissemble— tossing all of their integrity(if that was what it was) out the door.

    Graham let Trump pummel his late friend McCain and never defended him. Along with having his leash yanked by Trump like a pocket pooch anytime (about twice) he spoke an iota of sense about the insanity of Trump.

    Scott stood up and said he’d been stopped by cops a ridiculous amount of times—now denies there being big assed racial issues in this country. One of his most stupid moments was going after Obama (who kinda knows racism having had it slammed daily in his and his family’s faces for eight years as POTUS.)

  9. SteveTheReturned says:

    Another prominent political career, wrecked for the sake of Donald Trump. I hope they never ever get smart enough to stop this destructive behavior.

  10. Jere S Armen says:

    Steve from Beaverton: I got a stretch in Facebook Jail for calling him Miss Lindsey. So I’m with you in not saying that again–out loud.

  11. “South Carolina is too small for a republic, but too large for an insane asylum.” – James Louis Petigru
    Nothing has changed since that statement was made.

  12. thatotherjean says:

    Every now and then, Lindsey Graham shows signs of sanity, although those moments have been few and far between, lately. Maybe being booed off the stage by Trump supporters will bring enlightenment: he’s not talking to Republicans, but Trumpists. Perhaps he will be encouraged to attempt to woo the SC version of “liberals” to his side, and give up on Trump and his cult? Not that I would suggest anything like that if there were even a hope that SC would elect an actual Democrat; but that’s not going to happen.

  13. Ted, not Cruz says:

    George Santos is the love child of Lindsey Graham and Sister Theresa. Pass it on.

  14. Because Baldy has a really DIRTY tape on Lindseybelle .

  15. Ok I’m gonna show my ignorance.
    Who the hell is Baldy?

  16. Harry Eagar says:

    trump, Jim

  17. Sam in Mellen says:

    In many ways, Lindsey Graham would be my first choice to play Kevin Spacey in a biopic.

  18. Al Franken said Lindsey was the funniest person in Congress. I agreed. But proof, once again, if trump touches it, it dies. Poor Lindsey is not even funny anymore.

  19. Boo hoo for Graham. I hope he has a hanky tucked in his Bali for his tears. Yeah, JJ, pass me a saucer for for my milk.

  20. Evidently, being seen as someone who will publicly kiss Cheeto’s butt doesn’t appease the crowd that Graham wants appeased.

  21. Old Fart says:

    Sen. Lindsey wouldn’t get liberal votes even if he finally came out…

  22. Elm Creek says:

    Miss Lindsey has not been the same since he went on that walk with TFG on the golf course. Everything changed for him that day. It must be really important to Miss Lindsey to keep that information hidden. With the current trends in uprooting the truth, we may not be far from knowing that delicious piece of information.
