Oh, Chris Christie Is The Smart One Now

December 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In the debate the other night, Chris Christi said

“When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan, I say to him you have a friend sir who will stand with you to fight this fight,” Christie said during Tuesday’s Republican primary debate, making the case that the president is not trusted by the leaders of Jordan and Saudi Arabia because of the nuclear deal with Iran.

King Hussein of Jordan has been dead since 1999, so you gotta kinda wonder where Christie is gonna go to capitalized on that trust.

In 1999, Christie was working in a law firm in New Jersey so I can see how he could have missed the nightly news.

Here they are, Chris.  They are both way cooler than you.



Any Democratic candidate for President is gonna eat these guys alive.

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