Oh, and It Gets Better…

April 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Cohen, Trump

Breaking this afternoon, Fox Noise screamer Sean Hannity has now been tied to TWO more Trump attorneys.  They are Victoria Toensing and Jay Sekulow; Sekulow is Trump’s lead attorney in the Mueller investigation, and you’ll recall that Toensing is the wife of Joseph diGenova, a Fox screamer and who Trump named to his legal team earlier this team, only to disqualify himself due to “conflicts of interest”.

It gets better…

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0 Comments to “Oh, and It Gets Better…”

  1. I look forward to further explanations from Hannity, hopefully along the lines of:

    “Other lawyers mentioned in recent news reports are not, I repeat, not a part of my legal team. I have never purchased, or outfitted any of them with uniforms…”

  2. Other mistresses are coming forward now.

    But much more importantly, tRump and Cohen’s (very) close ties to the NYC Russian mob (and possibly the Ukrainian mob too) are beginning to be exposed. If these guys start to think things are getting a little too close there may be a bodycount coming (in some novel ways).

    This scabrous cabal is the most corrupt, evil, anti-American, vicious, harmful administration in US history. tRump and his orbit, Sessions, Pruitt, Zinke, DeVos, ad infinium… And it may not be possible to find anything as bad in all of human history.
    Those who still support it, and voted for it, should be forever marginalized in our electorate (which will take an enormous Democratic effort in November).


  3. Since I could not say this any better, I’ll just quote one of our smartest denizens:

    “This scabrous cabal is the most corrupt, evil, anti-American, vicious, harmful administration in US history. tRump and his orbit, Sessions, Pruitt, Zinke, DeVos, ad infinium… And it may not be possible to find anything as bad in all of human history.
    “Those who still support it, and voted for it, should be forever marginalized in our electorate (which will take an enormous Democratic effort in November).”

    Exactly perfect.

  4. Gwhaarrssh Debbo, I’m overwhelmed.
    This stuff is incredible, how much corruption and degradation of the whole US has taken place in less than two years (I’ve been a political nut since the 1950’s (in grade school)). It grows exponentially.

    I can’t see how we, let alone those who write about it like JJ, can keep up with this never ending firehose of filth gushing forth from the Rethug Party daily (daily hell, the rate is almost by the minute now).
    And yet that ~30% out there hang on to their scummy masters like the parasites they are. Cultists…when do they get the koolaid?

  5. There’s a reason why Hannity needed a handler:

    Hannity retained attorneys Victoria Toensing and Jay Sekulow to send a cease-and-desist letter to a Tulsa, Okla.-based radio station last May, The Atlantic reported Tuesday.

    The cease-and-desist letter was sent after conservative activist Debbie Schlussel said on the Pat Campbell show on KFAQ last April that Hannity was “creepy” toward her and had invited her to his hotel room.

  6. Robert McClellan says:

    Hannity still doesn’t realize that Trump threw him under the bus. The plan was that a different group of lawyers would go through the evidence and separate it into that covered by the order and that not covered. If they had done that of course Hannity’s name would never have come up; but Trump’s lawyers objected.

  7. DiGenova, Victoria Toensing and her husband — total bottom of the barrel! And Hannity can’t do any better? Tells you everything, doesn’t it!

  8. Last night, Lawrence O’Donnell described Trump’s new legal team in the Cohen case as “…Spears and Imes are the best legal hire that Trump has had in his life.” They are former prosecutors from the southern district of New York who, unbeknownst to Dump sent a letter signed by 100 current and former prosecutors from that district to Rod Rosenstein urging that he appoint a special counsel when Dump fired James Comey.
    The fact that Dump finally hired quality legal help shows how fearful he is of this Cohen investigation.

  9. Slimey people always hire slimey lawyers.
