
November 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump just tweeted …



Good point. The media doesn’t make the call.

Actually, it’s the dancing in the streets that makes it official.


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0 Comments to “Official”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    The media reported the facts – not the Trumpian fantasy world.

  2. UmptyDump says:

    Proving that Trump never deserved his bachelor’s degree in business from the Wharton School. He had to have flunked college level Statistics and Probability.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The state’s own data dictates when they declare a winner. Like science, Trumpf thinks math is fake. Surprised he hasn’t shown charts where state results are changed with his favorite sharpie. His malignant narcissism’s in high gear, so he’ll never concede or say he’s lost. Nor will his cult.

  4. The voters FIRED him. He lost. Trump needs to suck it up and get over it.

    Steve from Beaverton @ 3,

    Stand by for sharpies and charts.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    Apparently he thinks there are people who care what he thinks. I would say for sure 74M don’t want to hear a word from him except goodbye!

  6. Larry from Colorado says:

    UmptyDump: Has he ever proved he graduated from Wharton?

  7. Larry from Colorado says:

    Can we all tweet “You’re fired!” to @realdonaldtrump ?

  8. It’s been widely reported that Trump expected to lose the 2016 election, and was prepping for an inconspicuous trip to his Scotland golf course when the Lamestream Media called the election for him. So how could he possible know how election projections are made and announced?

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    It’s like this, Donnie. Election boards in 50 states report: “you’re fired!” As supported by 74 million and counting American voters who probably have a lot more to say than “you’re fired,” and/or start packing.

    We have a real President, President Joe Biden, and a VP, Kamala Harris. This President will be gracing the White House with two wonderful dogs, Champ and Major.

    But if you don’t want to rush your packing, Donnie, know this: watching Champ and Major escort you off the premises will be the added bonus of this election. Your mug may make it to the wall in our den yet. Well, no. But the ripped seat of your pants in the mouths of those two wonderful canines will.

  10. Let’s just say it: Trump isn’t the brightest bulb in the drawer. Or the sharpest knife in the socket.

    Just heard some maskless trumper claim ballots are coming in from CHINA! Katy Tur flatly saying it’s Trump, his enablers, and FOX’s fault that people believe this crap.

    Follow up from my report on Rep. Lauren Underwood of IL, more votes have been counted and counting will continue for 10 more days. But for now she’s gone from being down by 628 to AHEAD by 584. So… crossing my fingers for her to beat the old white GOP guy. Go Lauren!

  11. #9 LOL. Donnie is afraid of dogs, big dogs probably moreso. So while I’m sure Champ and Major are well behaved, just the sight of them trotting towards him will be enough to get him to skedaddle his sorry ass out the door.

  12. Bob Boland says:

    Well, Grandma Ada, I can’t speak for anyone else but I am just can’t wait to hear the Orange Menace say, “Not guilty, your Honor.” at any of his many trials for corruption, tax evasion, sexual assault, etc.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM @9, Most of us have had or have dogs. Dogs seem to have an innate ability to judge character and other human qualities, or perhaps they just pick up vibes from their human.
    In any case, you’ve all probably watched your dog meet a new person and either wag their tail and come over for a pat; or with some few people, back off, put their ears back, bare their fangs and growl menacingly.
    Pretty obvious how 99.999% of the world’s dogs would regard the Mangy Mango Mutt, rip his britches indeed.

    BTW, Comrade Donnei hates dogs, cats, any pets, and is deathly afraid of horses.
    When he croaks, his state funeral should have the carriage drawn by jackasses, out of respect for his feelings and as most appropriate symbols.

    [I once took a trip up a Mexican mountainside on a donkey that weighed about the same as me, aijaijai, what a white-knuckle ride, but that little burro never missed a step.]

  14. A picture of Donnie’s mug on my wall? Heavens forfend!

    Donnie’s mug at the Post Office… that’s more more likely and more appropriate.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge @13, nah. The load in the box on the carriage would be the jackass, deserving a team of teeny tiny rats no bigger than Donnie’s hands to draw the carriage. So slowly, that only a crowd of one or less remains to observe it reach its final destination at a Dee Cee landfill or however those city folks dispose of their trash.

    Who are we kidding? Fat Nixon will either die in prison here in the US or be disposed of by one of his former totalitarian ‘friends’ in another country. But a “state” funeral is not in his future.

  16. Jane & PKM @ 15,

    May I add to the shovel-ready part:

    He should never ever be buried at Arlington.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa @16, the fu king moron has always been partial to swamps. Maybe the Outlaw Jersey Whale can find a suitable landfill in NJ to met that swamp standard. Or, his pal Little Rocket Man in No Korea can accommodate the carcass.

    But Arlington? Oh noes. There is no carcass and will never be a carcass less worthy than Donnie to be buried in a Veterans’ cemetery much less Arlington National. I rarely if ever play the “veterans card.” I don’t expect anyone because of what I did, and the choices I made accord me special treatment. But I do expect the US Government to honor the contract they had me sign. Burying that POS Donnie anywhere near my buddies wasn’t part of the bargain. Cadet Fake Bone Spurs can be buried in the parking lot of the first rich boys pretend military academy that will have him.

  18. Not that it matters, but the Associated Press has been calling elections and counting the vote since 1848. They have been the gold standard for calling races for decades and most news organizations look to them on election night even if they have their own in house staff at the very least they share the APs election calls with their audiences for a reason – they are that good!

    Also states count the votes, states certify the winners, states pick the electors, the electors cast the ballots.

    PS We really need to deep six the Electoral College.

  19. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Like every other lie Trumpf and his enablers have propagated in 5 years, they repeat it over and over and gets covered by teevee news and certainly social media. The voter fraud lies bombarding people, especially his cult, are inciting more crazy reactions by them. While I think the main objective is to have this go on long enough to raise funds for campaign and other debts, it’s also creating more divisions that my not be repaired. I’m sure you’re probably seeing his cult with guns in your states at capitals and other places. “People” like Lindsey Graham promoting these conspiracies and using his senate committee is inciting these actions and needs to be called out by legitimate news and rebuked by Congress. However, repugnanticans in Congress have no conscience so this will likely go on for 5 more weeks. Hope they pay for this next time we vote.

  20. another turkey to be pardoned.
    Actually my secret wish is that Trump strikes a bargain with Pence- I’ll retire and you pardon me and my family. Pence agrees, but behind hiss back his fingers are crossed.

  21. Con Man Don is finally being forced to learn things that he should have known for decades. The last two weeks have frustrated him, I imagine, but playing catch-up at his age is ludicrous. His entire government has been an exercise in governing from butt-ignorance and greed, and if he had the sense that God gave a duck, he’d be humiliated by the massive size of his failure. Instead, his unsupportable ego and narcissism keep him ranting and raving.

    We have to survive the next two-1/2 months of him, and then good riddance. If he’s not totally stupid, he’ll leave the country by soon or after Inauguration Day, because he’ll never escape the people who are going to hound him for his crimes and corruption.

  22. “by or soon after Inauguration Day”, it should have been.

  23. thatotherjean says:

    I’m not sure about the rest of the media, Donnie–but I remember the vote counting and “calling” of elections on TV from the days of guys running in with vote numbers on paper and writing them on big blackboards in chalk, so they could be changed when the next batch came in. The year that Walter Cronkite (I think) introduced a computer–UNIVAC–to do the counting, it all seemed like magic. But you’re right in one thing–media doesn’t decide the election. Math does.

  24. So Cohen thinks tRump et al. will not return to D.C. from Mar A Lago after the holidays, that he will skip the inaugural completely. Fine! Just as long as he takes the Republican Senators with him so they don’t pull anything during the Lame Duck session that would poison the well but good for Joe. Plus, the hazmat crew will need as much time as they can get to sanitize the place.

  25. The lame stream media says the Titans beat the Bears yesterday. Who do they think they are? There’s still a chance the NFL will award a couple of touchdowns to the Bears sometime this week. Let’s finish the replays.

  26. I hope you will join me in sending the White House a “You’re Fired!” postcard.
