Of Course It’s Texas. Of Damn Course

June 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Splendora, Texas, ain’t exactly the smarts capitol of the world.  However, it does appear to be the capitol of not doing housework excuses.

It seems that Jesus has appear in the dirty, moldy shower in a “modest” home in Splendora, Texas.

And, lucky us, our local news covered it.

My geek is outta town and I can’t figure out how to add the video so just go look for yourself.

I love Texas.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Of Course It’s Texas. Of Damn Course”

  1. “Maybe it means something”

    Maybe it means you should clean your bathroom.

  2. It means people should quit looking for Baby Jesus in dirty places. I’m so tired of these stories on TV every week I could just puke. Do people really think that if Baby Jesus is going to show his sweet face somewhere it will be in a dirty shower, on a piece of toast or on a tree trunk? Somehow I don’t think so, but that maybe just me.

  3. I see mold.

    And, I think a little bleach, might do wonders.

    I also think some people may need to cut back on whatever artificial substances they snort, inhale, or pop.

  4. Maybe it’s just me but I think it’s Ghostface from Scream trying to get out of that house.

  5. LOL … gives a whole new meaning to the phrase: Cleanliness is next to Godliness … or something like that! Good Lord, if my bathroom looked like that, I’d be ashamed to have anyone coming in with a camera!! And they have that sweet little baby in a house with mold like that … not good!!

  6. John Peter Henson says:

    I agree with Brian. I thought it looked like Death without his scythe ….

  7. Too bad it doesn’t “inspire [Thomas George] to do better” cleaning his shower. Holy lack of housekeeping skills, Batman. That mold stuff will make you sick and rot your brain – no artificial stimulants/depressants needed. I will confess to feeling a thousand times better about my housekeeping skills, now.

  8. Juanita, its not just Texas. A very sweet ex-teacher, big democrat and seemingly healthy person showed me a picture of jesus on the wall behind her dad’s potting shed, in the gate area of Air Tran out of Akron, Ohio. She sat catty cornered from me on the plane.

    Her Jesus was better than the one in the video.
    But she scared me a whole lot more when she asked if she could send me a copy.

  9. People need to do better in their lives, and this is proof that inspiration comes in all different forms, at all kinds of levels. We really can’t expect for all people to respond in the same way, and if this is what it takes, and these folks actually work harder to improve their lives, well good on them.

    Of course, I’m one of the people whose life would probably improve by paying more attention to my housework, too. Maybe there will be a vision in the fresh red okra from our garden that I’m about to fix for dinner.

  10. Grand Kludd says:

    They had a good episode about this on some sitcom where an image of Jesus “miraculously” appeared on a wall. Only it was actually an old Willie Nelson poster peeking through the peeling wallpaper!

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I had an oil stain in my driveway that looked just like the Virgin Mary — from the back, wearing a black hijab over a black abaya. It was a miracle, it inspired me to clean up my driveway and fix my car.

  12. Marcia, good observation about the “cleanliness is next to godliness.” Jesus might have appeared to alert the residents that it’s time to get out the soft scub Comet cleanser, not the news crews. If it was a message, it might have been a personal message.

  13. Watched the video, looks more like Brenda Starr to me, but then again I’m a lot older than those folks.

  14. Mz Patti says:

    Makes me wheeze just to look at it. And it makes my bath tub cleaning prowess apparently right up there with Martha Freakin’ Stewart. Unbelievable.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Folks living like that need all the encouragement they can get. If it helps them deal with their problems better, I say leave the mold alone.

  16. BarbinDC says:

    I don’t feel like pickin’ on those folks. Our housekeeping skills, or rather the lack thereof, have forced us to hire a maid to come in twice a month. It was the only way to be able to have a presentable home on a moment’s notice. Still, I think I would have done myself in before letting someone with a camera and access to a news network see that kind of mess.

  17. Sam in Kyle (June 14) says:

    Isn’t “a modest home in Splendora redundant”?

  18. Lorinda Pike says:

    Well, I don’t think it really looks that much like Jesus…more like Frank Zappa, or maybe Arlo Guthrie.

    I going to have to scrutinize the spilled coffee stains on my kitchen floor much more carefully. (One of the last ones did resemble Alice Cooper before I mopped…)

  19. If it makes even one person turn to sweet Jesus, good. If it makes them idolize an image made of anything (mold, grilled cheese, spilled paint, etc.), they are not getting the message.

    I guess this just proves that people need miracles…or attention.

  20. SomedayGirl says:

    That bathroom reminds me of why I watch Hoarders.

    On a side note, the local Fox affiliate did a phone interview with me when I called them to say that we’d found a cross in a potato. I let them know that, no, we didn’t eBay it or advertise it as pilgrimage site. We fed it to the garbage disposal, which has run like a champ ever since. Coincidence?

  21. Jose Orta says:

    Apparently Jesus appearing in mold is nothing to sneeze at – or down right rare. There’s a website of stuff that looks like Jesus…
    http://stuffthatlookslikejesus.com/ I especially like the Jesus image that was seen on the back of a dead stingray.

  22. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I guess I waited too long to take a picture of that armadillo on the bathroom floor. Guests came so it had to be washed.

  23. My question is how do they (or anyone) know what Jesus looked like. Certainly not the blonde/blue eyed version that hung in the Methodist Church I went to as a child. I always wondered about that. No one painted his portrait. So…

  24. oldy moldy says:

    i had all sorts of snarky things to say after looking. but after reading the comments, well… there’s really just nothing more to say.
    maybe jeebus will send a brush and some cleanser their way.
    ‘really rather sad. we have seen the enemy and they are us!

  25. my wife ain’t buying it- I still gotta use the shower spray. it figgers, she’s Jewish.

  26. Shelley says:

    Maybe these kinds of things make it to the news to keep folks from learning about real issues – like voter purges (Houston Chronicle June 4) that disproportionately target people who might not vote GOP. And, yeah, I agree – how long has it been since these people cleaned their shower? Ugh!
