Of Course It’s An Ambush! You Didn’t Head Them Off At The Pass!

November 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Lord in Heaven above, it’s Texas textbook time so all the trick-or-treaters are in full costume.

Over here on the right you have your average hate mongering Christians and on the left you have your more than average scaredy cats.

A conservative grassroots group formed by a San Antonio man with ties to a national anti-Muslim organization has made a late entry into debate over new social studies textbooks for Texas schools, which are set to gain final approval from the state Board of Education this week.

The Truth in Texas Textbooks Coalition (formerly known as the Let’s All Drool Consortium) has submitted 469 pages identifying more than 1,500 “factual errors, omission of facts, half-truths and agenda biases” in proposed materials.  The material was submitted a month after public comments ended on proposed changes to Texas textbooks.

Among its objections: A passage on coal mining should say it has “minimal effect on the environment”; a chapter on Spanish colonization of Latin America should point out the “continuous discrimination and oppression practiced by the native American peoples on each other”; and a statement that Shariah law requires religious tolerance of non-Muslims should be removed.

Considering the massive and late submission, one board member, a Republican even!, asked …

“Are you really trying to improve the textbooks, or are you trying to stage an ambush?” he said. “They clearly were aware of our process and our meetings, and according to their own website they were created in 2013. So I don’t understand why they couldn’t honor our deadline.”

Imagine that!  The Tea Party not playing by the rules.  Look, when in Republicans are shocked, that’s doin’ something.

Thanks to Sam for the heads up.


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