Of Course It’s An Ambush! You Didn’t Head Them Off At The Pass!

November 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Lord in Heaven above, it’s Texas textbook time so all the trick-or-treaters are in full costume.

Over here on the right you have your average hate mongering Christians and on the left you have your more than average scaredy cats.

A conservative grassroots group formed by a San Antonio man with ties to a national anti-Muslim organization has made a late entry into debate over new social studies textbooks for Texas schools, which are set to gain final approval from the state Board of Education this week.

The Truth in Texas Textbooks Coalition (formerly known as the Let’s All Drool Consortium) has submitted 469 pages identifying more than 1,500 “factual errors, omission of facts, half-truths and agenda biases” in proposed materials.  The material was submitted a month after public comments ended on proposed changes to Texas textbooks.

Among its objections: A passage on coal mining should say it has “minimal effect on the environment”; a chapter on Spanish colonization of Latin America should point out the “continuous discrimination and oppression practiced by the native American peoples on each other”; and a statement that Shariah law requires religious tolerance of non-Muslims should be removed.

Considering the massive and late submission, one board member, a Republican even!, asked …

“Are you really trying to improve the textbooks, or are you trying to stage an ambush?” he said. “They clearly were aware of our process and our meetings, and according to their own website they were created in 2013. So I don’t understand why they couldn’t honor our deadline.”

Imagine that!  The Tea Party not playing by the rules.  Look, when in Republicans are shocked, that’s doin’ something.

Thanks to Sam for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Of Course It’s An Ambush! You Didn’t Head Them Off At The Pass!”

  1. The Truth in Texas Textbooks Coalition (formerly known as the Let’s All Drool Consortium) has submitted 469 pages identifying more than 1,500 “factual errors, omission of facts, half-truths and agenda biases” in proposed materials.

    So basically they submitted 469 pages of “factual errors, omission of facts, half-truths and agenda biases” they want included in the textbooks.

  2. This is sort of inspiring me to write the perfect conservative history book.

    The best part of my proposed book is that I won’t actually have to do any historical research before I sit down to write it (which is the same tact that Jesus took when he wrote the Declaration of Independence).

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Well, lets look on the bright side. they offered these 469 pages in lieu of demanding that Ted Cruz Saves America be used in every school in Texas as part of the social studies curriculum.
    I’d say we dodged THAT bullet and maybe oughta just go along on this.

  4. I read on Daily Kos that Pearson Publishing agreed to remove climate change denial from textbooks. McGraw Hill also.
    “On the eve of submitting science textbooks for approval by the Texas State Board of Education, McGraw-Hill publishing has removed climate change denial from its books—after Pearson Education (the largest textbook publisher in the world) did so last week.”
    So there’s some hope at least. We just need to keep up the pressure on the publishers.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “The Truth in Texas Textbooks Coalition (formerly known as the Let’s All Drool Consortium)” … wait for it … there’s 469 pages available to them to have printed and bound as “The Texas Guide for the Home Schooled.” There’s a $ there for Neil Bush.

  6. When I was a chile I was a bit casual with the ISD’s textbooks. And so my parents had to purchase one (or so) due to my casualness. I have sometimes compared those textbooks to the textbooks my kids used first as students and now those that the teacher-kids must use. First thing I noticed was that much of my 5th grade math science and social studies were now found in 4th grade texts from which my number one son teaches. Chills me. I wasn’t an interested student then. I’d have preferred to be outside. Forcing that content on me one year earlier might have made me a classroom problem.

  7. I don’t see why this is a problem or why anyone even bothered to read it. If they missed a clearly announced deadline then they missed it. And that’s a fact.

  8. I agree. A day late, I can understand. A month late, well, I wonder whose money got it into the discussion? Just say NO. Thank goodness McGraw Hill and Pearson used some good sense, figuring that other states will be more likely to buy from them and Texas can just fire up its printing machines and make its own. They oughta be honest and say “We’ll sell more books to Dan Patrick’s supporters if we deny climate change.”

  9. A passage on coal mining should say it has “minimal effect on the environment”….

    Apparently education and reality have had minimal effects on these jackwagons. And they can’t read a calendar either.

  10. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Sounds like the retired lt col. who leads the hate group must have served as a Misinformation Officer.

  11. Would someone give The Truth in Texas Textbooks Coalition a Literacy Test? I want to see if they’re qualified to submit their objections.

  12. Coal has minimal effect on the environment? Tell that to everyone who once lived in Pittsburgh when every plant was burning coal. The rate of different types of cancers jumped like crazy! And if the coal itself weren’t bad enough, how about them coal mine owners? The guy who just got indicted on safety violations in that mine catastrophe that killed 29 people. Or consider this: the way mine companies have of never paying up when a miner is too sick from the coal dust to work anymore. He should be pensioned off with full med benefits but it won’t happen. He will be fired cuz he’s a safety hazard! Coal ain’t king. Its crud!

  13. gabberflasted says:

    Coal is harmful. I have COPD. My diagnosing doctor said it could more properly be termed CHRONIC OCCUPATIONAL PULMONARY DISEASE. I am also afflicted with peripheral nueropathy. A procedure wherein I collected my urine for a wee, ( a second fridge housed in the garage) confirmed my nueropathy is likely caused by heavy metals. Lead, mercury, etc., of which coal has an abundance.
    I retired from the electric power generation industry where I was involved in the loading, firing and disposal of coal and its residues for 30 years. Two thousand tons per day. We were a relatively small station.
    I absolutely do not agree that coal is a a benign substance.

  14. Dang! They extended the cutoff so those airheads could submit their ravings.
