Of Course He Has To Do It Single-Handedly. His Other Hand is Busy Getting Warts..

June 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Glenn Beck.  Seriously.

Glenn Beck Vows To Single-Handedly Destroy ‘Glee’

Yeah, Glee, like the show, not the emotion – although he’s working on that, too.   He doesn’t like the show. He thinks that Glee is turning us all into mindless socialists, and that, “It’s horrifying some of the things that they’re teaching high schoolers.”

Yeah, like science.

But it didn’t take long for Beck to snap out of his funk and start devising a way to defeat “Glee.” Beck’s secret weapon: what he jokingly calls “the Oedipus Project” (“because the left will be making out with me,” he explained to BuzzFeed this week). Essentially, the plan is to produce a conservative alternative to “Glee” that is covert enough in its conservatism to not turn people away.

Bless his heart, he doesn’t know what Oedipus Complex means, does he?  Hey, Glen, Yo Momma!

Oh yeah, let’s round up all the creative conservative people.  Uh  …. where the hell are they?  (Crickets.) Donny and Marie Osmond don’t even write their own music.  (More crickets.)

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Of Course He Has To Do It Single-Handedly. His Other Hand is Busy Getting Warts..”

  1. Glenn, Glenn, Glenn. Now you’re advocating killing your father, marrying your mother and gouging your eyeballs out? Maybe this ought to be the “Hubris Project”. As in, stop playing God, dude. That stuff never ends well which you would know had you read Oedipus Rex.

  2. Good grief!! Is this man even relevant anymore? I try not to think about him, because he makes my skin crawl. Yikes!!

  3. TexasEllen says:

    Creativity is a bug, not a feature, in conservative circles. The falling in line gene just doesn’t lead to either good music or sassy dancing.

  4. What do you do when you can’t sleep? Check for something new on JJ’s. Start smiling and grinning then read TexasEllen’s comment and you know I don’t hurt so much…….laughter does work wonders. Thanks so much.

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    He can start with former Dancing With the Stars contestants Tom Delay and Bristol Palin.

  6. I personally think that Beck is on to something here. The story could be written about a diverse student body where white sons and daughters of millionaires attend a private school with white sons and daughters of billionaires. The kids get envious of this public school down the road that wins numerous awards for the arts so they form a glee club of their own to show who’s the boss. They lack talent, but find the formula for winning inspired by their political party of choice. They buy the judge’s votes because that’s the way it works in the real world, like the Supreme Court.

    Once the citizens relying on the public school system realizes its inferiority, they will privatize their school system and entrust the money to run their schools with the wealthy people across town. These same funds will be used to continue to buy off the judges and finance lavish vacations for the wealthy with other people’s money, teaching the poor some valuable life lessons. If the poor people get “uppity”, Ted Nugent and his cache of weapons can make a guest appearance to set things right.

  7. virginia mary says:

    Mark, I like the storyline so far. So what’s the name of his new show to replace Glee? “Greed?”

  8. Cynthianne says:

    Mark, I think you’re on to something- but the name should be “Smirk” which is as close as today’s “conservatives” can get to glee.

  9. “Glee”ful laughter. thanks Jaunita.

  10. I did not watch the video because I cannot stand him, so thanks TPM for the summary.

    First off, I think that a lot of conservatives in this country are pathological. They think that everything is too liberal. Nothing is ever conservative enough for them. And for some, nothing ever will be.

    Secondly, did Beck say it has to be “covert enough in its conservatism to not turn people away”? This is sort of like Jon Kyl’s remark about abortion and Planned Parenthood was “not intended to be a factual statement” or how they keep saying that abortion causes breast cancer even when it does not. Why do they have to lie to get what they want? If you have to lie to do the right thing, then maybe you are not doing the right thing.

  11. With a deadpan, Beck insists that he is not political: “I could give a flying crap about the political process.” Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. “We’re an entertainment company,”

    From Forbes Mag. in 2010

  12. OldMayfly says:

    Mark, your storyline is worthy of Stephen Colbert–therefore Beck probably won’t get it.

  13. Heck, I’ve never watched “Glee”…

    Now, I’m gonna have to…..

  14. MieMaw… you’ll enjoy Glee if your are looking for brainless TV with rock-renditions of teenage angst with showtune interpretations. It’s harmless and sweet. Simple takes on big subjects. I got hooked on it their first season, while living in Cabo San Lucas. Glee was one of the English Language programs on the local cable service …. Glee, House, Bones, Lipstick, and ER re-runs, along with BBC and CNN International. Pass the Margarita salt and check it out on HULU. It will get your toe a-tappin.

  15. Since Beck can’t read once his lips get tired, I think we should just forward him the URL of that YouTube version of Tom Lehrer’s “Oedipus Rex.” Boils the whole story down so that people with short attention spans can get it.

  16. The only thing I enjoyed about Glee was the music. I’m just not into teen humor any more. But a lot of my friends adore it, and I don’t have to love everything on TV.

    But if it teaches one kid to think, one kid to take another look at music, one kid to be able to be him/herself instead of being a sheep, I am all for this show. THAT is what Glenn Beck is afraid of. A generation able to think for themselves. Glenn, honey, that ain’t socialism. That’s democracy.
