Of Bathrooms and Mirrors

November 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The city of Sulphur Springs, in northeast Texas, is home to 15,500 brave souls.

They have more Baptist Churches than cattle, which I suspect is because in Sulphur Springs not many people get along with each other, especially the Baptist.  A quick Goggle search finds 8 Baptist churches in Sulphur Springs.

And that doesn’t even count the Pentecostals, the Free Will Assemblies, and the little known Sisterhood of Saintly Finger Waggers.

Sulphur Springs is about 70% white and votes 70% Republican.

Sulphur Springs got itself national attention this week.  Not for its low school taxes or the fact Goodwill Industries is listed as one of the major employers in the city.

Nope, Sulphur Springs got on national news for spending $54,000 on a potta potty.  A glass porta potty, with one-way mirrors.

In all fairness, I will admit that Sulphur Springs ain’t no damn prissy art mecca or nothing.  But ….

They were modeled after Italian artist, Monica Bonivicini’s art piece – ‘Don’t Miss A Sec’ from 2004, which was located outside an art museum in Switzerland.

Sounds kinda prissy to me.

I don’t known any decent self-respecting Baptist lady willing to bare her butt right in front of God and the town drunk on the theory that she can’t be seen. But, the guys in Sulphur Springs have that all figured out.

For those residents concerned with safety due to the new restrooms, there are several cameras on the square watching everything that’s going on, said Maxwell.

In a related story, the Chamber of Commerce announced that Hunka Humpin’ Adult Movies, the country’s largest amateur movie producer, has leased space in downtown Sulphur Springs.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.

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