Odd Oz

September 08, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There are good ideas and there are bad ideas. And then there are ideas foaming from a gallon jug of crackpot.



Okay, sit down and catch your breath.

Now, somebody please ask this doctor exactly how you climb out of an abyss with a 15 minute physical at a festival. I wanna hear this because magic has to be involved and I just love magic.

And then there’s this

Republican Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz has financial ties to at least two pharmaceutical companies that supply hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that he has floated as a possible Covid-19 treatment.

Here’s my request to John Fetterman. Do not debate this fool. Do not. He is going to say something batcrap crazy like this in the middle of the debate and even Cicero Hisownself wouldn’t know what to say and would probably just stand there with his mouth hanging open and little drool things running out the sides of his mouth.

Nobody can win a debate against a man who thinks somebody with cancer and no insurance can get cured in 15 minutes at a festival. But I’m sure there will be drug trucks on premise selling hydroxychloroquine.


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