Obama’s Third Term Begins Near My Home

April 06, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I live down the road a piece from Victoria, Texas.  I have lots of friends in Victoria, including the one who sent me this warning from the front page of her local newspaper, The Victoria Advocate.

It is stunning news.

The fears swirl around the release of an unclassified document that outlines a realistic military training set to take place this summer in Goliad, Victoria and other places across the country.

Some have speculated the exercise is the first step toward martial law, an extreme and rare measure used to control society during war and periods of unrest.

Martial law!  Good Lord, people, there are about 2,000 brave souls living in Goliad and they can’t do this on their own.

According to the training map, Texas is marked in red.  According to the newspaper, there’s a reason for that.

622x350Because Texas – one of seven states involved – was marked red and labeled hostile in the document, theorists have postulated it was targeted because of its stigma of being friendly to guns, among other reasons.

“Texas has been talking for the last couple years of seceding from the nation,” said Tiffany Goehring, 35, of DeWitt County. “And now we have this military operation that’s about to happen, and we are considered hostile.”

And that, my friends, is how you get from a military training announced in a press release to being terrified in one easy step.

Operation Jade Helm’s press release with Texas in red.

Apparently this is a thing because if you go to Google and search “Jade Helm 15” the crazies will crawl all over your computer screen.

Thanks to Victoria Linn for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Obama’s Third Term Begins Near My Home”

  1. I have a lot to say on this topic, but they censor what I can say from within the confines of this FEMA camp I’ve been in since 2010, so I can’t.

  2. Conspiracy Panic folks are idiots to think the military will be conducting martial law in TX with only 60-65 people per locality in SUMMER heat. Summer in Texas where it can still be in 90’s at midnight. My bet is the summer temperatures will win half the engagements.

    With so many folks playing soldier and stashing armament in TX–especially in our rural areas–no way can 60 to 65 people per locality be sufficient to actually impose martial law.

    But I probably could have simply put a period after “idiots” in my first sentence and that would suffice.

  3. maryelle says:

    News from the State of Stupid: “They’re coming To Take Us Away.” Question is, where to? Nobody wants you crazies, so STFudgeU and eat the gov’mint high fiber brownies.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Just throw down your weapons and bend over,rednecks. You are seriously outgunned,out maneuvered,out strategized,out numbered and out classed.

    The first imbecile that fires on US troops gets the whole village wiped out.Let the games begin. More than one way to turn Texas blue.

  5. Martial law? Riiiiiiiiiight! Yeah. These are the same people who believe that rain makes applesauce!

  6. They’ve been foaming for years that Obama is comin’ to take yer guns away, and it keeps not happening, so they’ve got to ramp up the paranoia to keep the adrenaline and cash donations flowing. The right wing survives on instilling fear, the more irrational the better.

  7. So exactly HOW did gays cause this?? Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. Somebody has been reading too much “Jack Reacher” fiction.

    The book I recently finished had this same plot, only it took place … not in Texas…. but in Montana.

    Maybe there is a movie version out I don’t know about. Personally, I doubt the ability of these conspiracy theorists to read a newspaper.
    Because…. obviously, the first thing “they” take is your mind… if you have one… then “they” get your gun. Then they lock you in “the camp.”
    And then our hero rescues singlehandedly rescues everybody …. the end.

  9. Goliad is a great place for FEMA camps – I went to a Willie Nelson 4th of July Picnic in Goliad, about 1976~good times. Maybe Willie will play the ‘camps’.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ironic. The very same people who become crazed about the troops they support having training exercises here in the United States, do not comprehend the “sabre rattling” effect of our annual, semi-whatever under any excuse, NATO and SEATO exercises next to North Korea or the Ukraine.

    Micr, having awoken in my safe warm bed still married to my wife, as hopefully you have awoken with your wife, I’m confused or perhaps coffee deprived. Your marriage happened before gay marriage was an issue. My marriage took place after same sex marriage was legal in a few states. So, if I interpret GOP math correctly, you are still 100% married, whereas I might be 70-85% married. Hope the divorce lawyers can shed some light on that and what it might mean to a pre-nuptial agreement. If not, I’m sure there’s a C&W song that will shed some light on the disposition of my ranch and truck in the event of a divorce.

  11. Yes, because people who impose martial law always announce their plans first and ask permission.

  12. Third term? I thought the State Board of Education was re-writing the history books so that there was no President Obama, just a scary shadowy dictatorship that was only defeated by Cruz and Pailn working their Wonder-Twin powers to bring teh freedumbs.

  13. Does anyone in the military public relations / press office ever consider what the RWNJs do when they hear and see something like this. If it’s only pretend, make California “RED” for God’s sake! I think Texas would look real cute in pink.

  14. Dear teachers of Victoria, Texas:

    I will pay $1 each for original copies of your September 2015 class assignment “What My Family Did During Summer Vacation”. Must include the terms martial law, war games, or Obama.

  15. PKM,
    That lesson in GOP math reasoning was … spectacular. And sad. With the GOP at the helm it may be a good idea to learn Mandarin Chinese. Just to be able to communicate with the new owners.

  16. With the GOP at the helm our new owners will probably be mermen. Starting in Florida. Maybe Jeb should check that box on his next voter registration form.

  17. The stupid….
    Did it EVER occur to them that the areas mentioned are similar to the Middle East and dessert areas, rather then say, the Adirondacks, where I live and it it snowing, AGAIN!!!!!

    If we invade Russia, you all can come up here and have practice in the cold and snow.

  18. yellowdoggranny says:

    which explains why I quit drinking..if I was drinking I’d have to go up there and bip someone.

  19. Sandridge says:

    It doesn’t take much to keep these caliche-brained dumkopfs going at fever pitch, do it?

    In my local Walwart, the huge ammunition shelves in sporting goods are still 99% empty, have been since late 2008.

    You can special order stuff, but I’ve seen when a new general ammo restock shipment is rolled out from the loading dock:
    wingnut pandemonium and am.mo.secs.shu.awl orgasm, such as it is (trust me, you don’t want to see that more than once in a lifetime).

    And I’m not too far from both Goliad and Victoria, groan. Guess I’ll have to actually read the local rag and see if they’re ‘on it’ too (that litterbox liner is about as RW as you can get).

  20. coozledad says:

    Texas has been talking for the last couple years of seceding from the nation,” said Tiffany Goehring, 35, of DeWitt County. “And now we have this military operation that’s about to happen, and we are considered hostile.”

    With her pedigree, I guess Tiffany’s going to be heading up the Texas Luftwaffe.

    Lay off the opiates, Tiff. They didn’t make uncle Hermann thin, either.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Didn’t Hitler Weasel Bush stage unannounced war games around some school and scared the stuffing out of students who thought we were being invaded when helicopters dropped off a bunch of heavily armed soldiers in the schoolyard?

  22. @coozledad

    From what I’ve read the common Wehrmacht soldier on the western front was fueled by Pervitin aka methamphetamine. Gives a whole new view of Blitzkreig, lightning war, eh? Which is not to say they didn’t have and use opiates but Pervitin appears to me to have been the conquerors’ candy in 1939.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe those are the ones who one of our acquaintances who has gone over the edge who told us, “THEY know who I am. THEY are following me.” etc etc.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    e p onion, I had forgotten, but I think you are right: there was some kind of unannounced drill that scared everyone spitless wherever it was. I’m going back to bed.

  25. coozledad says:

    I read something about Pervitin a few years back. Imagine the interactions with that stuff and garden variety PTSD.

    There was also a German novelist, Heinrich Boll, who became addicted to it and wrote letters home asking his family to mail him more tubes of the stuff with increasing frequency.
