Obamacare: Bite Me

May 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, there’s a virus being spread by a mosquito.

“Senate Democrats tried and failed Wednesday to expedite emergency funds to combat the Zika virus, stymied by Republicans who objected and tried to extract cuts to Obamacare as a condition for their agreement.”

Well done, Senate Democrats, well done.  Bite me.

Thanks to Alan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Obamacare: Bite Me”

  1. Austinhatlady says:

    One of the comments to the cited article recommended that the first child in America born with defects cased by Zika should be named ‘Cornyn” and that pictures of said child should sent to the the senator on the child’s birthday.

  2. Sorry. Followed the link. Saw “Blake Lively’s ‘LA Face, Oakland Booty’ Joke Has Us Shaking Our Heads” Clicked it and got sidetracked for a moment. I’m back now. What?

  3. Let’s see if this works:

    They’re Muslim mosquitoes.
    From Mexico.

  4. “Well done, Senate Democrats, well done. Bite me.”

    I don’t understand the comment, JJHOS. Why are you saying “Bite Me” to the Dems?

    I am very confused.

  5. maryelle says:

    Most of the states which will feel the brunt of this plague are headed by Republicans. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi Florida, etc.
    Another case of obstruction for opposition’s sake. How short sighted can these morons be? If even one child is affected, let this be on their heads.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    Mark J … I’m confused by that, as well!!

  7. Mark Schlemmer says:

    All the abortion restrictions passed, particularly in southern states, are also going to bite. The diversion of healthcare resources and dollars to care for microcephallic and brain damaged babies will hurt many others who won’t get care
    for their needs.

  8. Pro-life? Not in this universe.

  9. Patticakes says:

    You know, we’ve all become exhausted observing the pettiness, shortsightedness, sheer idiocy known as the Republican Party the last 8 years. Frankly, their priorities suck. Each time they draw their line in the sand, I swear (alot) and tell myself it can’t get any worse. Just wait until Hillary is President. It will get much worse. Time to move back down to Cabo. Canada is too cold, and even the potential of having a President Trump couldn’t be as bad as Madame President is gonna be with these angry idiots beating their chests and doing stupid things to our nation. Sad state of affairs.

  10. Fred Farklestone says:

    The Republicans get even more repulsive!

    “Congress Is Using Zika To Weaken Truck Safety!”


  11. Elizabeth2 says:

    What chaps my ass most is the contrast between the Repubs’ “meh” response to Zika and their panicked scramble when Ebola was the virus du jour. Can they possibly be so short-sighted that they think Zika will affect women primarily, and so loathesome that they think that makes it okay?

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ms JJ, the question is “will the snacilbupeR bite?” While they love raising another flag of fear, it’s not certain that Zika is their kind of fear. That might depend on how they flip the coin between those most at risk and where the truthie stuff takes them.


    Or, maybe Monsanto isn’t too keen on what further research might reveal.


    Fred Farklestone, a good staring point to cleaning up Congress would be to insist on “clean bills.” Too much hiding space in the old “I voted” because that bill meant or didn’t vote ‘because of’ ____. What they refer to as “poison pill” riders should be renamed for Loathsome Crooze; that might slow them down.

  13. James Pirtle says:

    Enough with the whining and carping. Let’s get to work, recruit quality candidates for every open office on every ballot and unelect these excellent examples of bovine excrement.

  14. R’s – they’re a whole new breed of bastard slime. They’ve seen the pix of all the babies with strangely shaped heads but it just doesn’t move them. Heck, in their view, these are only brown babies and mostly impoverished so what the hell. White babies are just naturally incapable of being infected and born like that!

  15. eyesoars says:

    I can see it now (sadly), although I think naming kids after these morons (the congresscritters, that is) a great idea.

    “Republican Mitch McConnell Smith”
    “Republican Ted Cruz Henderson”
    “Republican John Cornyn Matthews”

    And, like their namesakes, their brains will be small and deformed.


  16. e platypus onion says:

    Miss got the fever a’ready. The fed recently ordered Cleveland,Miss to desegregate middle and high schools 62 years after Brown v BOE. No hurry,no worry-skeeters gonna done eat ’em up.

  17. Mary Beth says:

    On the Big Island this year we had a dengue fever outbreak. 253 documented cases.

    Take it from me it took a long time to gear up to fight it. We mobilized the community, screamed at officials, called the governor, representatives, Senators (don’t ask what responses we got) Finally we started seeing spraying where cases broke out, then they have to revisit every five days. Patients need to be in a confined area where they cannot infect others. The outbreak lasted 8 months. It is not an idle threat, folks. Junk tires need to be moved and destroyed or covered. Mosquitoes can breed in a teaspoon of water, so imagine the places they can be found. Plant leaves serve as breeding grounds. It is all out war, and it doesn’t happen overnight even in a relatively contained area.

  18. Cleveland, Mississippi created its own time warp to keep themselves int he 1940’s. As impossible as it will seem to many people, they did it by dragging things through the courts and crying poor little me, Cleveland, with no $$ to do all the stuff the Feds want us to do for our schools!

    Crocodiles don’t cry tears as big as they do!

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    The Senate finally passed a bill to spend too little money on Zika, but took it out of Ebola and other health funding. Robbing Peter AND Paul to underpay Pam.

  20. two crows says:

    Yep. These are the same folks who would have us believe they’re the only people on the planet who care about fetuses.
    Once again, they demonstrate how their first and only concern is politics.

    No, I take it back. Nine months from now they’ll be blaming Obama. THAT’S what they truly care about.

  21. two crows says:

    @ e platypus onion:
    I suppose now the good folks of Mississippi will believe the politicos when they tell them that Zika is God’s punishment for desegregating the schools.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Good one, two crows. Prolly true,too.
