NRA Poster Boy

September 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The guy who killed the Pennsylvania State Trooper?


Eric Matthew Frein, 31, of Canadensis, Pennsylvania, is still armed with the .308-caliber rifle that he used to open fire on the barracks late Friday, State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said at a news conference in which he revealed the suspect’s name.

“He has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also to commit mass acts of murder,” Noonan said. “What his reasons are, we don’t know. But he has very strong feelings about law enforcement and seems to be very angry with a lot of things that go on in our society.”

Well see, here’s the deal.  We’re angry about all the damn guns on the loose out there but we don’t go kill people over it.


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0 Comments to “NRA Poster Boy”

  1. Any chance he watches Fox News and associated ranters? Yeah, I know, a lot of Fox watchers don’t shoot up a police barracks, just asking.

    “Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.” — John Stuart Mill

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Don’t any of these people watch TV? Or do they only watch the parts of old movies where Norman Bates sinks the car but don’t stick around for the scene where the tow truck pulls it out? And leaving shell casings at the scene instead of cleaning up after himself? Sloppy, just sloppy. He might as well have left some of his DNA behind.

  3. Angelo_Frank says:

    Why is the media so afraid of reporting these “survivalist” attacks as real terrorism? Oh that’s right, it was a White man.

  4. Again I say that this sort of thing never winds up on the pages of the NRA newsletter. But it is going to be some kind of totally psychotic type that will some day walk into the NRA headquarters out here in Virginia and start blowing everybody away until someone finds the key to the storage of a loaded gun (cuz I just can’t envision Wayne LaPierre carrying inasmuch as it would spoil the line of his super expensive jacket) and respond with full bore. Then, maybe, they will understand why there are so many of us out here who never wanted a gun, never had a gun, and never missed it. Them things only come with their own trouble.

  5. I’m shocked. A libertarian-leaning “nice” guy with a gun turned bad guy with one pull of the trigger. I did not see that coming.

    “He has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also to commit mass acts of murder”

    I can see why no one bothered to turn him in or check him out. After all he was a clean-cut looking white guy with a gun license; which automatically makes him a good guy. As long as he doesn’t post violent song lyrics about kids on facebook, none of the authorities would pay attention.

  6. He came from a military family. His father is a retired Major who seems proud of his son’s marksmanship. “He never misses”.
    Sounds pretty ominous.

  7. A correction: His father is a retired Sergeant Major.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    The .308 round is basically the 7.62 Nato round used in Aks.

  9. So the NY Times quotes his dad saying the AK-47 is also missing from the home…..Guess it’s being held back for the really big Show……

  10. So….. this is another one of those scenarios where none of the (other) “good guys” had guns?

    That’s the NRA solution to all this…. guns….. guns…. and more guns….. except when it’s not a solution.

    How did we become the most violent country on earth?

  11. Miemaw, I would say we earned that “distinction” when we invaded a part of the earth already inhabited by native people. It wasn’t long before the Pilgrims shot one of them. It just snowballed from there.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    It figures. We used to rent houses in Canadensis, Pennsylvania in the winter and go Tee-Pee camping there in the summer. Back in the 60s-70’s, the locals didn’t like us “down-staters” so we literally traveled at our own risk. Guns, guns everywhere accompanied by nasty looks. There were only a couple of bars & restaurants that welcomed strangers that we felt safe in. But, the town had a fantastic little shopping village with a year-round Christmas store which was fun.

    I am not surprised this nutcase is from that area. Pennsylvania is filled with these folks. Hope they catch this guy fast.
