Now If Only The Koch Brothers Were Involved

January 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, word has leaked, oozed, or crawled out that the FBI is now investigating whether Russia funneled cash money to the NRA to help Trump.

It is illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections.

That’s almost too good to be true, y’all.  The NRA palling around with commies, and breaking the law.

… the NRA reported spending a record $55 million on the 2016 elections, including $30 million to support Trump – triple what the group devoted to backing Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. Most of that was money was spent by an arm of the NRA that is not required to disclose its donors.

And some folks say it’s actually closer to $70 million.

Personally, I think by the time this is over, we’re gonna have to build a new jail for all these guys.  Hell, I’ll do a fundraiser for it!


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0 Comments to “Now If Only The Koch Brothers Were Involved”

  1. Scotty in Illinois says:

    I’d favor making them spend their sentences wear their pink undies in tents. And pay for their own keep through civil forfeiture.

  2. Coprolite says:

    As long as we the citizens get to be the Correction Officers for a one week stint.

    I would prepare a menu that included Brussels Sprouts for every meal, with cooked cabbage on Sundays.

  3. Coprolite, don’t forget the kale and quinoa.

  4. Didn’t you just know this was bound to happen! They were a power unto themselves, unanswerable to anyone or anything but themselves! Talk about shooting themselves in the foot — or anywhere else!

  5. When influencing elections with foreign money is outlawed, do outlaws go to jail?

  6. May they rot in a privatized, for profit jail!

  7. If we were to empty the jails and prisons of all the weed possession “criminals”, we would have plenty of room, without having to build more.

    What a dream – the FBI and Mueller bringing down Donnie and Company, aiding-and-abetting congresspeople like Munes, AND the NRA.

  8. I’m trying to figure out how each of them can be housed in a cell next to a toddler who has a loaded handgun on the table. But that would be too quick an exit. There would have to be several wounds, not immediately fatal but sure to fester and be exceptionally painful and ultimately fatal.

    No, I don’t believe in torture as a general rule– only for those without souls who sell lives, species, and/or environmental health for money.

  9. It all comes down to God & Guns:

    Anything to keep the unborn from being slaughtered, even if it means thousands of adults being slaughtered. ‘Cause Lord knows none of those gun statistics could be innocents…

    Even a guy that dates porn stars while his wife is knocked up is better than 44 don’tcha know….

  10. Put me down to help with the fundraiser to “Lock ’em up” I don’t care where they go as long as there is nothing plushy about it…..maybe bring in some of those big old mean lifers, who have tired of the regular guys in their lives….

  11. I’ll bet we could find a suitable design for a prison already sitting on one of Joe Arpaio’s shelves. It would probably be cheap to build, too. Just make sure to use plenty of razor wire.

    Then again, we could send them on all-expenses-paid vacations to Club Gitmo. I understand they consider it a great place to house terrorists, a word that describes them nicely.

  12. Tilphousia says:

    No need to scare innocent toddlers. Just release several brown recluse spiders in each cell and the poor medical care in private prisons will do the rest. One prisoner was bitten, lost his leg to gangrene and finally died from blood poisoning. Took him years of screaming pain.

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    Looking for confirmation of complicity between NRA and Russia? Find the photo of the back of the bedazzled sheriff’s bald head at the table with the NRA and a plethora of Russian operatives.

    Oh, here it is:

    Oh, happy day!

  14. New prison for all of the Trump & Co. miscreants — yeah, boy! And us folks in East Texas would be tickled pink to add that new facility to our rather large existing cluster of clinks. God knows we need the jobs. Trump said he’d create jobs, jobs, jobs. This could be one campaign promise he actually makes good on.

  15. Scotty in Illinois says:

    It’s turning into a gift that keeps on giving. After recusing himself from the Trump-Russia investigation, Nunes subpoenaed the head of Fusion GPS without telling any of the Democratic members. Then, after Trump threw a fit over Feinstein releasing his testimony to the Senate committee, the House committee released his more extensive testimony.

    The NRA and Torchin were, as the British used to say, mentioned in dispatches:
