Now Here’s a Retirement Plan
Ted Cruz has discovered a new retirement plan.
You know there’s a law that candidates cannot spend campaign donations to benefit themselves. There’s about 174 ways around that law that I can come up with before sundown.
But, in all honesty, this is the first time I’ve seen this one.
Here’s how it works.
- Write a book or get someone to ghost write one for you.
- Get a donor to donate copies of your book through your SuperPAC
- You get to keep the royalties, which you couldn’t do if they were bought with your campaign account.
And that’s exactly what happened here. $15,000 to buy Cruz’s book as gifts. Since Cruz’s book is selling for $17.62 on Amazon, that’s about 850 books.
And the guy who bought them? Dr. Ben Carson’s former lawyer and campaign manager, Terry Giles. Giles was also Ken Lay’s lawyer during Enron.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.