Nothing to see here….

August 24, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

This is not the only story like this, but apparently the entire town of Iraan is closed. They’ve shut down the schools and apparently everything else because nearly half the town has COVID. It is reminiscent of the scene in “My Cousin Vinny” when an entire store caught the flu.

Yet, this kind of thing happens all the time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen towns totally shut down because half of the residents are sick. Oh wait, that’s never happened in our lifetimes. Never mind. Nothing to see here. Disperse. Go back to your homes and your regularly scheduled program.

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0 Comments to “Nothing to see here….”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Unfortunately those that survive their willful ignorance may or may not be even somewhat immune to the next variant. Would place their odds at less than 50-50 due to the wear and tear on their immune systems from their current infection. That is sad for them and their families.

    It is sadder for the innocent children and those who through no fault of their own either are immunocompromised or for genuine medical reasons cannot be vaccinated are being sacrificed by willfully ignorant ‘adults’ and the supposed ‘leaders’ such as D’oh Santis and A-butt.

    In April there was so much hope when the Biden administration made vaccines free and available to people over the age of 12. Covid-19 could have been contained, if not for the insane politics of the QOP and their maskhole anti-vaxxer base.

  2. slipstream says:

    Well, Trump told them that the virus would just go away. All by itself. No vaccine needed. It would just go away — by Easter 2020. And they all know that Trump is a very stable genius who knows more than all the doctors combined.

    So they have nothing to worry about.

  3. Nobody quoted said a peep about vaccines. The mind, she boggles.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    For many that have chosen to believe covid is not real and will “just go away”, it may go away for them but after the worst happens to them. However, they won’t be around to know.
    With school just starting or starting after Labor Day, what’s happened in Iraan is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s pretty much inevitable especially in the red states where the majority are not vaccinated and are taking no steps to mitigate. In fact they’re taking steps to purposely not mitigate it.

  5. What is especially horrifying to me is that it seems more like an Abbott genocide program than anything else.

  6. van heldorf says:

    Watching the rednecks led by desantis, abbott and the rest of that group reminds me of a quote by Napoleon, paraphrasing, if the enemy is self-immolating, don’t interfere.
    I don’t see how trying to stop them or not prevents deaths; these people are the enemy by choice having little or no regard for anyone else.
    The unfortunate question then may be: does reducing their numbers produce the best long-term results for the rest of the country?
    I am hesitant in mentioning this kind of thought because of how it may be misinterpreted, misunderstood. My point: recognize the elephant/room, bull/china shop if it appears real to me at least.
    Is it what it is?

  7. thatotherjean says:

    Will anybody in the town/county/state learn anything from having the town shut down because so many people came down with COID? Noooooooooo.

  8. I’ve got a meme for every occasion. This one consists of text only:

    Plans for this autumn:

    Open the schools.
    Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!
    Close the schools.

  9. Take a look at what the bloviating GOPerpetrators have been spewing at base rallies for some several days that are a future “end of days” vision of their party!
    ( :-{o> **************************************
    ~ The moment you perceive a petulant possum in your pant leg ~
    Hostile Trump Mob Sends GOP Rep. Brooks Into Panicked Backpedal On Moving On From 2020
    Aug 24, 2021

    Edit: Rachel Maddow shares video of Republican Congressman Mo Brooks being roundly booed by the audience at a Donald Trump rally in Alabama after Brooks suggested they move on from Trump’s 2020 loss and focus on future elections. ~ video:

  10. van heldorf, I’ve always liked that Napoleon quote.
    It doesn’t apply now.
    Because whoever you think the enemy are?
    They’re among us.
    So allowing them to die is allowing y(our) children to die.
    But that’s just my opinion.
    And lm just as full of shit as anybody else.
