Not To Be Outdone in the Stoopid and Corrupt Division

July 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Donald Trump decided to tweet something about Hillary and he either didn’t notice or didn’t care that he was using the Star of David on a background of money to do it.  Because he’s an idiot.




Then he slyly fixed it like it never happened.


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By the way, when you wonder who the hell supports this guy —


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— it’s people who won’t be around long enough to “enjoy” his presidency.  I have all these really old farts in my town supporting Trump.  I think it’s their final way of saying, “Get the hell off my lawn!”

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Not To Be Outdone in the Stoopid and Corrupt Division”

  1. Rastybob says:

    Some people never get old enough to know better.
    Dementia you think?

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Sad!! It is just so sad to know some of these people are just too ignorant or, Rastybob is correct: Dementia has set in.

  3. maryelle says:

    FOX news is mainly responsible for the right wing dementia of the elder generation. They pander to their fear, their prejudice and their loss of critical thinking skills. Now Trump comes along and is the embodiment of FOX’s agenda. The “He says what I think” mantra attracts them like moths to a flame and we can all thank that bastion of bigotry: FOX.

  4. Jack Patterson says:

    Hey. I’m an old fart. But I’m a Progressive old fart. Don’t besmirch all old farts, just ’cause you live around all those ignorant republicans.

  5. Teh Gerg says:

    He misspelled the sign. It’s supposed to be “CHUMP”.

  6. “America First” slogan…..

    First he came for the Mexicans, then he came for the Muslims, then he went after women and gays, recently it has been thinly veiled anti-Semitic references. What’s next?

    Nader received 97,421 votes in which Gore lost by 537 votes. The result? President George W. Bush.

    There is a difference between Clinton and Trump; it’s called racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism. At the end of the day you have to decide what you stand for. It is not enough for Trump to lose, he has to lose BADLY because his ride to b power is singing a message to people that this kind of behavior is acceptable. It’s NOT.

  7. Sorry he got those votes in Florida, Florida d have made the difference.

  8. But, but, some of his best frien….er…grandchildren, are Jewish and I’m sure he even lets them use his bathrooms.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Trump U, Donnie!

  10. This scares the hell out of me. I am an older woman, but I still seek the truth. I never listen to the trash on Faux news, but am amazed at how many in my community think its gospel. God help us all!
    Please don’t get complacent, we have to go vote in large numbers to get our voices heard.

  11. That’s what happened in Britain– the young people (not enough of them) voted to stay in the EU, and the old farts voted to leave. Guess who has to deal with the results for decades?

    And another example of the Trump campaign having to correct the first thing out of their leader’s mouth or head office. But they need to be called out sharply every single time they call Clinton a liar. He lies ten or twenty times to her one.

  12. Please don’t speak ill of all old farts, of which I’m one. At least some of us are clear-headed and think a President Trump (two words I never thought I’d type together) would be a total disaster. Remember, you, too, will be an old fart one day.

  13. Karen Byrd says:

    Has he lost his (church word) mind? He’s running out of groups to offend. How can anybody defend him?

  14. austinhatlady says:

    When I saw the tweet, I took the six pointed star shape to be a sheriff’s badge backing up his contention that she should be in jail. He has, afterall, been claiming that she was a thief while serving as Secretary of State. Oh well.

  15. It could be ignorance, dementia, or just plain ol’ insanity.

  16. That star of David thing is a sign that his campaign staff is now so small that errors like that are going to be much more common and even more egregious as a result. Can’t blame the ones jumping ship. I bet they would benefit greatly from treatment for PTSD! And I have said for a long, long time that I see signs of depression among the elderly. Obviously they are not getting any help.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    Why do they love Trump? Why did millions og Germans love Hitler? Complicated answer but dementia isn’t it.

    I knew a dear lady in FL. Nashville native. Husband born and raised in FL. Loved her to death. Very sweet person. More than 10 years ago she loved The Donald. Thought he was the bomb. Believed the doors to his condo on NY were solid gold! Could not dissuade her about that. Solid gold!

    How to explain how some people still think Elvis is alive and the Earth is flat? Myth much?

  18. I love seeing the results for a Fox News poll. Because when I see the percentages, I can’t help but think they were conducted in the hallways of Fox New headquarters. Especially the ones that add up to more than a 100% response.

  19. Oldayfly says:

    Don’t worry about old people–more of us have Trump’s number than those who don’t.

    It is the young and middle-aged voters who believe every political problem can be solved easily with a slogan (or worse with a gun), you need to worry about.

  20. AliceBeth says:

    I take the generalization of us old farts as pretty offensive.
    We are not all ignorant and some of us are very progressive, liberal and you know informed.

    But he really “loves the poorly educated” and counts on them. The ones who bother we are the educated, successful and not perceived by their actions as bigoted. Those who support him, really scare me.

  21. To me, the dialogue from the right only seems so much more repugnant in the last year or so is because of it’s naked, brutal honesty. They’ve moved the conversation so far to the right for decades now through media manipulation and long-term investment in infrastructure (i.e. think tanks and such) But their evil genius has been to present their crap in a manner which convinces people but still seems rational and justified. Little Donnie has no such qualms. And as ugly as it is to watch, I believe that bringing it totally out in the open is probably healthy even if it only helps later generations to look back at us, like we look back at Germany, and think “What the f**k were they thinking?” Though it would be nice if the comparisons to people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and co. to Joseph Goebbels would come sooner rather than later.

  22. Marge Wood says:


  23. Racist and xenophobic comments and attacks have shot up in England since the Brexit vote. “We voted you people out; shouldn’t you be on a plane?” is among the mild ones, even to people who were born in Britain but “don’t look” like they were.

    Trump is the same damn thing– because he’s so open about his ugly attitudes, people who feel the same way or worse take it as permission to flaunt their ugliness in public and hurt other people.

  24. I have 2 thoughts after reading the earlier comments:

    It’s not the oldies, the young or the middle. It’s the more ignorant, lower IQ, less educated, or ??? of every age.

    I think PP is right about the benefits of getting this ugliness out of the shadows and into the light of day. Hell, even some of the less oderiferous of the snacilbupeR are disavowing these extremes. I’m thinking in the next year, and maybe several to follow, calling some snacilbupeR stupidity “Trumpian” may be the kiss of death for the policy and its idiot proponents.

    Scumpf may become the snacilbupeR nightmare that keeps on giving. Bwahahahahaha!

  25. Glidwrith says:

    If you look closely at the ‘fixed’ picture, you can see the star is still there. The points are sticking out in two spots.

  26. maryelle says:

    At 71, I qualify as an old fart, but I watched my elderly parents descend into the FOX fog and was unable to bring them back into the light. They were both educated people, but their advanced age made them vulnerable to the constant fear-mongering and lies. It was brainwashing and no amount of logical discussion could change their minds and many of my friends dealt with the same problem. Now when I enter a doctor’s waiting room and see FOX playing, I immediately ask to change the channel.

  27. I just watched something again on YouTube I haven’t seen in a while. So in the spirit of being “fair and balanced”, I’d like to recommend it as inspiration to counteract the previous depressing predictions. Susan Tedeshi, Derek Trucks and Warren Haines doing Etta James’ song “I’d rather go blind” at the White House for POTUS and FLOTUS. And as stupid as it may sound, the thing that makes it so cool is the official at end. Although seeing Pres. And Mrs Obama enjoying something I love too is pretty awesome.

  28. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m one of those old, white, women and I have seen way too many old, white men and women who have fallen into the Republican rut of believing everything that Faux Snooze feeds them; old guys wearing a Drumpf stupid baseball cap; old women who spew the same old garbage. So it’s NOT all “old folks” but only the RWNJs who are holding on to the RWNJ way of thinking, following the only way they know to follow!! I live with so many of these Old RWNJs in a senior residence. You are very careful to stay out of political chatter in this place!!
    I can’t wait to see how they react when we have Madam President.

  29. And he adds to the second one “America First”, which the Antidefamation League has asked him to stop using owing to its antisemitic history. Great.

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Good one, LynnN.

  31. That image didn’t originate with the Trump campaign. It should not be surprising that it came from the Twitter feed of a white supremacist. Someone tracked it down. Caution: gross and tasteless images at the link.

  32. WA Skeptic says:

    My significant other used to listen to the police scanner constantly; it made him totally paranoid. He began buying guns, etc. I’d lived in that house for 20-some odd years and had never had a problem. I insisted he stop listening to all that horrible stuff and he gradually healed.

    It’s scary how effective fear is as a political tactic. Just ask Joseph Goebbels.

  33. JAKvirginia says:

    WA Skeptic: I’m glad you brought that up. If there is one thing Karl Rove can be applauded for it was his understanding of people, especially the Republican base. They feel first and think last. Rove’s whole technique was to push their buttons, unnerve them, drive their fears. It has been very effective in the past and Drumpf is using the same techniques with the internet as an effective tool.

  34. Ron S in CT says:

    If Trump were elected, which he won’t be, it would’ve been so much fun to watch the old folks dentures fall out when Der Trunpenfuhrer decided that in order to build his wall he had to reduce social security payments.

  35. Old Fart says:

    Fear, fear, and more fear.
    Hate, intolerance, and anti-facts.
    AND here are the reasons why your life and beliefs will be rendered irrelevant.

    This is the constant refrain that Faux News has been repeating since it’s inception.

    And it works.

  36. e platypus onion says:

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
    Dishonest media is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff’s Star, or plain star!
    8:42 AM – 4 Jul 2016

  37. Neighborm says:

    And Shelden Adelson is going to give this putz a $100 million?
