Not To Be Outdone By Debbie Riddle
Texas State Representative Donna Campbell is living testimony that Debbie Riddle is not hogging all the lame butt ignorance in the Texas Lege.
The Alamo has been nominated to be included in the United Nation’s list of World Heritage Sites. There are currently 22 such sites in the United States, including the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall, Monticello, and the Great Smokey Mountains. So, it’s kinda an honor to be included.
Unless you’re Donna Campbell, who sees a plot behind including the Alamo. But, Donna got a pen and wrote a bill to stop this foolishness.
“The intent of this bill, Senate Bill 191, is to prevent vesting any ownership, control, or management of the Alamo to a foreign company or any entity formed under the laws of another country,” Campbell said.
Yep – there will Sharia Law at the Alamo if those United Nations folks notice that the Alamo exists.
The State of Texas owns the Alamo. And, ironically enough, it got famous by being invaded by a foreign country and losing.
So, during committee hearing on the bill, Representative Campbell was asked if she knew of any other Heritage sites in the United States. She admitted that she didn’t. But that doesn’t matter because ….
“I can tell you anything that starts with the ‘UN’ gives me cause for concern,” Campbell said.
Yeah like unreasonable, uneducated, unbelievable, uncompromising, uncouth …
Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.