Not Texas, Dear Lord, Please Not Texas Again

May 04, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Every time I see a story about hate and meanness, I secretly say a prayer, “Dear Lord, please don’t let it have happened in Texas.  All of friends think I’m insane for staying here half the time.  Please let it have happened in Aladamnbama or somewhere.”

Only rarely does the Lord answer my prayers.  This is not one of those times.

A Texas schoolteacher needs to be taken out back, stripped nakkid and dropped into the next Texas high school football game at halftime with “Football Sucks” tattooed on his behind.  I think that would end this type of behavior.

A Friendswood mom says she was offended by what her daughter says happened Monday in ninth grade algebra.

She said, “The teacher told the student that ‘I bet you’re grieving.’ And she basically looked at him and said what are you talking about? And he said I heard about your uncle’s death and she said wow, because she understood that he was referring about Osama bin Laden being killed and was racially profiling her.”

The remark was made to a classmate, an American-born girl of Muslim faith. It happened at Clear Brook High School in the Clear Creek Independent School District. The mom wanted to speak out about the incident but wanted us to protect her identity, saying she doesn’t want any retaliation against her daughter or the girl who experienced the inappropriate comment.

As shocked and horrified as I am about what the teacher did, I am equally as proud of the non-Muslim parent and her child who came forward to complain.  That took courage.

The mom says that the girl remains in class and she is grateful that her classmates stuck up for her.

So, there’s hope for the next generation.

Even in Texas.

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