“Not In Good Taste,” You Say?

June 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so it’s in Montana so nobody pays any attention to it.

Except us, your friendly beauty service technicians, who hear about all manner of crazy crap.

At the Montana GOP convention this weekend, there was an outhouse on wheels parked outside the Hilton Hotel labeled “Obama Presidential Library.”

But, that’s not all.

The outhouse was painted to look as though it had been riddled by bullets.

Inside, a fake birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama made reference to the disproven controversy over the president’s origins. It was stamped “Bull––.” A graffito advised “For a Good Time call 800-Michelle (crossed out), Hillary (crossed out) and Pelosi (circled in red.)”

You can call our wimmen whores, Cowboy, but don’t you dare say “vagina.”

The Republican state party chairman said he wasn’t going to worry his pretty little head about it.

Thanks to Norma for the heads-up.

State GOP Chairman Will Deschamps of Missoula said he didn’t know who’d brought the outhouse, but dismissed it as “a sideshow.”

“It’s not something I’m going to agonize over,” he said. “Some of that stuff is not real good taste.  We do have a president of the United States, and we have to honor that.”

Ya think?

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0 Comments to ““Not In Good Taste,” You Say?”

  1. “We do have a president of the United States, and we have to honor that.” If that’s how they honor the president of the US in Montana, I’d be afraid to see…

  2. daChipster says:

    “Fryer” Tuck phoned up to say the real mystery here is who did they get to spell “Presidential Library” for them?

  3. That outhouse would probably hold the total amount of books the Republicans in Montana have read, which is undoubtedly fewer than the number of books in the President’s personal library.

    Republicans sure like to show the rest of us how unbelievably stupid they are.

  4. Amen, June … Amen!

  5. After reading the comments left at the end of the newspaper article … there are a lot of them that are rude and downright stupid left by self-righteous righties in Montana, it is also good to see there are more then a few Dems in Montana who left their own comments!

  6. So Deschamps plans to honor the Presidency by doing nothing about a racist, violent, scatological sideshow attached to his show?

  7. Whatever county they are in, I would suggest they call the outhouse the county library, oops, maybe not, it would be too large to accomodate the books they read.
    Silly me – I don’t suppose they ever learned to read, the writing on the out house must have been commissioned by them.

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    Can this jerk define ‘honor’?

  9. Just when I think the right couldn’t possibly sink any lower…

  10. Last year there was an idiot parked right outside our local post office displaying several sandwich board signs disparaging Obama–“Flush Obama” being one of the ones I saw while trying to maintain control of my vehicle in my anger. I went inside and asked the postmistress if there wasn’t something she could do to make him go away, but she said he’d researched his rights on this and apparently was making the rounds of all the post offices.

    On my way out, he approached me with some flyers and a smile. I just told him “F***k you!” Not one of my most high-minded moments, but I sure felt a lot better afterward.

    There is enough stupid around without having to be confronted with it in front of the U.S. flag which, by the way, was at half-staff that day for the shooting of Gabby Giffords.

  11. To refer to this as “not in good taste” is on a par with calling self-immolation a career-limiting move…

  12. gabberflasted says:

    I refer you to the newspaper, Ravalli Republic. A newspaper from the county in which Hamilton is located. On the right side is a reference to the Memorial Day Parade wherein this abominable outhouse made it’s debut.
    There are those in Montana who are NOT effing nuts. Read the comments.
