Not Good

September 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I sat down to eat my lunch and flipped on CNN to check on the hurricane.  Wolf Blitzer put Donald Trump on the teevee to explain hurricanes to me.

“A new and record-breaking hurricane heading toward Florida and Puerto Rico and other places.  We’ll see what happens.  We’ll know in a very short period of time, but it looks like it could something that will be … uh, not good.  Believe me, not good.”

I replayed it to double check that’s what he said and sure ‘nuf, that’s what he said.

He’s 4 years old.  He’s regressing, y’all.  I swear, he’s getting worse. But, hey, he didn’t tell them to have fun, like he did here.

“Not good?”  Not good.


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0 Comments to “Not Good”

  1. Trump intended to say that the hurricane will be “covfefe,” but he caught himself in time to change it to “uh, not good.”

    Maybe the meds are helping a bit.

  2. Mr. President I know you said you didn’t want to be bothered with Presidential Daily Briefings, but you might want to look at the one we received today. Hurricane Irma is on a projected path for Mar-a-Lago.

    ““A new and record-breaking hurricane heading toward Florida, it looks like it could something that will be … uh, not good. Believe me, not good.”

  3. Arrogant

    (ARSE. The first word that popped into my head, others from a web page:
    25,487 words submitted and growing)

  4. I’m not one to hope for anything bad for any one. But a hit on
    Mar-a-Lago would make me think there is a GOD and she is pissed.

  5. Rastybob…hear,hear!

  6. Irma has shifted more east. Looks likes she’s going to mess with Mar-a-Lago while going up the east side of FL…Maybe irma is pissed, too.

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I get my hurricane porn from The Weather Channel. I keep wondering when Jim Cantore is going to be picked up by the wind and turned into a kite.

  8. Introducing… in this corner, hailing from Mar-a-Lago, Donaldddd TRUUMMPPP!!!!

    His opponent… from somewhere in the Atlantic, Hurricane IRRMMMAAAA!!!!


  9. Charles R Phillips says:

    Lest we forget, hurricanes aren’t the only result of climate change we’re dealing with. Fire.

    Even though the lA area is reported more heavily, the fires in Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia–yes, that’s Canada–cover far more acreage.

  10. Rastybob, anyone who thinks hurricanes are divine wrath thinks their god(dess) is an angry toddler who doesn’t care how many people they hurt or kill. A real god could just give Trump a fatal heart attack, assuming they’d let him be elected in the first place. Personally I’m an atheist and I figure that s**t happens.

  11. Someone on the medical staff should do the ‘Draw the Clock Test’ on him.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Hurricane Irma vs. Himmacane Donnie. I’d be on Irma, but Dolt45 has already done more damage to our country than Irma, Harvey and the raging wildfires combined.

    Hey Senator Graham, remember what you said about Teddie Crooze? Think you could extend that to Donnie, too? Please! We’d happily crowd fund your legal expenses.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Some good news for our DACA citizens and the rest of us courtesy of Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Schumer:

    ***Mama*** it’s a Wonkette article, so it might be time for an afternoon snack and a heart healthy glass of red wine. Or, any diversion of your choice other than reading.

  14. Tilphousia says:

    I’m not an atheist, but the idea of a wrathful Diety dumping on humans humerous. The so-called christians are quite prone to forget their actions and just say “god did it”. Stupid? Yes. I must sa, however, I would enjoy a photo of traitor trump throwing a tantrum amid the wreckage of Mar a Largo.

  15. The Wonkette article is fine, as they always are. snacilbupeR are a poor excuse for a political party.

  16. The dictator tot telling people to have fun reminded me of when Tom DeLay said to Hurricane Katrina evacuees who ended up at the Astrodome “Now admit it, boys. Isn’t this kind of fun?” I never expected to see as heartless a politician as our Tom, but the Greed Over People party keeps pushing that envelope.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    Aha!. Yes… not good. As opposed to the times when a Cat 5 hurricane IS good. Got it.

    Isn’t this the time at the cocktail party when you smile politely and say “Oh my, I need a refill. Excuse me…”

  18. Not stupid says:

    What is happening is terrible and does come because Global warming.
    Now with this Hurricane, I hope that it goes to both His gulf Home and his golf course.

    he is a vile man that the world would be better after his demize.

  19. A couple of quick questions:
    Is hurricane Irma acquainted with Ms Karma?
    Does Irma know where Mar-a-Largo is?
    Does Irma know where Rush is?

    Up next, Donnie and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!

  20. He would have the same thing to say about a zombie apocalypse.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    In the form of Irma, karma may have taken her first bite out of Donnie’s butt.

    “Trump himself may have already sustained a big loss from Irma. The storm pummeled St. Martin, where Trump owns a lavish, 11-bedroom house valued at $16.9 million.” [Washington Post / Matea Gold]

    If karma would please leave the innocent folks out of the path of wrath, I would be applauding this. As others have similarly said, let Irma fly Mari-duh-Grift-Hole out to sea with Donnie attached. If only Irma would limit its damage solely to Donnie.

  22. ” Hurricane Irma is on a projected path for Mar-a-Lago.”
    To think that just a few minutes ago I was replying to someone else, “Don’t be silly, there is no god!”

  23. If there were a hell, I’d certainly be in line for wishing ill on other folks, but this nearly makes me giddy…
    there’s a chance it may just be worth it!

  24. Mar A Lago is on Irma’s hit list. She just ruined the plantation that the Barking Yam has on an island in the Caribbean. Gosh! Its almost like Irma takes him personally and she has just done a warm up session for his other mainland property!

  25. I hear 45 is coming to Richmond. Does he not know you and Bubba live there? I am sure you are wringing out the welcome mat for him.

  26. Well crap! Maybe there is a god and he/she/it has nothing better to do than mess with me! The long range storm forecast is for right over my neck o’the woods, 300 miles inland!. Now I’m gonna have to take back all that ugly stuff I said yesterday and start passing money around.
    Of course, that’s for next week. Hell could freeze over by then. ‘spose I better breakdown n’get a new chainsaw…
