Not Funny. At All.

November 15, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I cannot be funny about this.

I think we’ve told you about Tom DeLay’s Rio Bend Community for foster children.  It was paid for by the DeLay Foundation for Kids.   The donated land sat empty for years, the sign even faded, and then Tom was indicted.  Almost overnight the place went wild with activity.  Eight gorgeous foster homes were built, fancy landscaping, swimming pool, weight room, a church with a little white steeple, a large gym, a lake with a fishing pier – the works.  All to make Tom DeLay look lovable.  After all, he truly cared about kids so he could not possibly be a criminal.

For well over a year now, the place has gone to seed.  There’s only one house occupied – the other 7 houses sit empty in a neighborhood filled with people who need a home.  The landscaping has been plowed over and weeds fill the garden around the church.  The parent organization – Lutheran Charities – has pulled out.

I’m not going to put up any recent pictures because there are no trespassing signs all over the place, but here it is before it went to seed.

Tom DeLay is in trial in Austin.  No telling what the outcome will be because he has a high priced fancy pants writ twit doing his talking.

And for all of the kudos and bows he took over helping poor little kids, it comes down to this when the chips are in the table.  They are cashing it in and calling it quits.  (It will open in a pdf.  See page two for proof of the picture below.)The kids aren’t a useful front for him anymore.

We hope that once the trial is over, the DeLays will do the right thing and let people who truly care, and don’t just wear their religion as a fashion accessory, take over the property.

There are children who need a home far more than Tom DeLay needs a child to hide behind.

And this one will do just fine.

I’m sorry I cannot be funny about this.  I have watched little kids be the victims in this mess since it started in 2005 when Tom got wind that he was going to be indicted. I have watched it for far too long.

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