North Carolina Terrorists

September 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


There one of Sarah Palin’s Momma Grizzlies running for office in North Carolina.  Her name is Renee Ellmers and her only issue seems to be that she’s going to keep a mosque from being built at Ground Zero.

“North Carolina has a ground zero?” Juanita asks.  “I flat out didn’t know that.  What?  The Blue Devils have to change their name because of the Satanic reference?  The Tar Heels have a Ground Zero on the football field again?””

“I saw Renee on Anderson Cooper and she apparently ain’t the brightest light on the Christmas tree.  She made Sarah Palin look like a Rhodes Scholar,” Juanita says.  “She contends that not all Muslims are terrorists, unless, of course they are …. uh, Muslims.”

“When Anderson questioned her about this stuff, she fired back that he must be anti-Christian.  No, I think he’s just anti-bimbo and that’s not the same thing at all.”

“Renee is a real prize.  She spoke at a local GOP meeting in North Carolina and a local Republican recalls it this way….”

Renee Elmers of Dunn said people are “fired up,” and Washington is broken with a president who wants to ruin our country. She supports a limited government, believes in the Constitution as written and said jobs are needed.

“Yeah, yeah, Obama, hate.  Heard it, laughed at it, filed it away.  But, she believes in the Constitution as written?   Really?”

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”

“When you start saying what can’t be a religion, you’re pretty much saying what can be a religion,” Juanita reckons.

“North Carolina went blue two years ago and I suspect they’ll stay that way,” she grins, “But I just wanted you to meet a Momma Grizzly.  Apparently they are not very smart animals. “

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