
August 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, we have to quit saying that Republicans can’t make the bar any lower.  They see that as a personal challenge.

Elliott Abrams, who was convicted of misleading Congress about the Iran-Contra affair, has been named.a special representative to Iran.

To refresh your memory.

He pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 1991 as a part of the Iran-Contra affair and was later pardoned by then-President George H.W. Bush. Abrams, who was assistant secretary of state at the time, admitted he had unlawfully withheld information from congressional committees in 1986 when he testified about the secret Contra supply network and his role in soliciting a $10 million contribution for anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua. Abrams also served in the George W. Bush administration and was an advocate of the Iraq War.

He should still be in jail.

As my friend Deb T says, “Next up,  Yogi the Bear: Secretary of Picnic Baskets.”


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0 Comments to “Nope”

  1. Harry Eagar says:

    Ain’t gonna study war no more.

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    But will he fly into Iran with a key-shaped cake in his lap, to present to the Ayatollahs?

    I bet Ollie North would have been chosen, but his spat last year with Wayne Lapierre of the NRA probably has put him into the dog house with Trumpoids.

  3. well, he IS familiar with the area…

  4. I’d accept Yogi The Bear as Secretary of Picnic Baskets, just so I could hear Trump try and pronounce pic-a-nic, and then continue pontificating that he’s smarter than not only the average bear, but all bears, in general, everywhere.

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    I would advise him to pack light. He won’t be there long.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Does he get a pardon along with his credentials?

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    “Next up, Yogi the Bear: Secretary of Picnic Baskets.”

    That would be an improvement over Donnie, his maladministration, and Republicons. While Yogi is a fictional character, there’s a better chance he would know what constitutes a good picnic basket before conservatives would recognize good governance at any level.

  8. @Jane & PKM

    Yall got little kids (or they were little a couple years ago) so you know about mythical or fictional characters: Santa Claus (as opposed to Sanity Clause, entirely different), Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, or honest Republicans. Add Yogi and his own Department of Redundancy Department to the list!

  9. He was never in jail. He got probation, community service and a 50 dollar fine. Instead he was put in positions of power and influence by the president that pardoned him.
    H.W. He set the bar for UnAmerican ism in the 80’s by accusing anyone who pointed out human rights abuses by our third world allies as being unAmerican.
    He’s such a hawk that his official portrait picture is meant to convince any potential enemy how big a meanie he is.
    See Wikipedia.

  10. I was temping at the local PBS station as a receptionist when this guy swooped in. The front area was temporarily closed for cleaning and he had to come in using the parking lot door. He was incensed!!! Its front door or no door and where the hell was the red carpet!!! Since then I thought he had died.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    WTF….that is all.

  12. Joe's still confused says:

    Im not certain, being confused as I am, but I’m pretty sure that his eyebrows are “wanted” in 21 states

  13. Ted from the left Coast says:

    This is from Thinkprogress. William Barr is proud he helped Elliot Abrams get a pardon for Iran-Contra. Abrams cut a deal with Lawrence Walsh the Special Prosecutor.

  14. john in denver says:

    Abrams… fresh from his success as Trump’s United States’ Special Representative for Venezuela.

    “”We just have to be clear that our Venezuela policy over the last year and a half has been an unmitigated disaster,” Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut told Abrams at a congressional hearing on Tuesday. “If we aren’t honest about that, then we can’t self-correct.””
