No, We Don’t Need a National Conversation. We Just Need You to Shuddup.

August 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Ryan’s Republican opponent makes Louie Gohmert look like a damn Mental Health Poster Boy.

Get a load of this:

Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 3.30.45 PMThe Republican challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan said this week that the US should debate deporting all Muslims from the country.

“I’m suggesting we have a discussion about it. That’s for sure,” Paul Nehlen said on 560 AM’s “Morning Answer” in Chicago, when asked whether he would support deporting every Muslim from the country. “I am absolutely suggesting we figure out how do we, we — here’s what we should be doing. We should be monitoring every mosque. We should be monitoring all social media.”

Son, we already debated that.  It lost.  We even fought several wars to keep it from happening.  Where the hell were you?

However, it does kinda explain why Donald Trump supports him and even Pence called for “new leadership.”  This guy makes Trump seem reasonable.

His attack on Sharia Law is totally nonsensical.  Does he oppose Canon Law or Ecclesiastical Laws?  Those are church laws that don’t make a hill of beans difference in my life.


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0 Comments to “No, We Don’t Need a National Conversation. We Just Need You to Shuddup.”

  1. Chloe Bear says:

    He probably doesn’t like Talmudic law either – just afraid to say so. Pence will do anything he is told to do…

    Sick party – why is it we never look into busting them via hate laws, sedition, etc?

  2. Fred Farklestone says:

    Hey Nehlen, how about for starters we start monitoring where you worship at? You ok with that proposal and if you’re not ok with it, why not?
    Little background on this clown!
    First off, beware of this guy he might not be one of us as he isn’t wearing a flag pin in his lapel! You know what they say about folks that don’t wear flag pins, in their lapels?
    Nehlen born in ’69, was but 22 at the start of the First Gulf War and only 32 on 9-11, but has no military service!
    This yahoo had his chance to deal with the so-called “Muslim” problem up-front and personal, but was no-where to be found!
    Not much of a background to write about, however he has received a deal-breaking type of endorsement –
    “On April 26, it was announced that Nehlen had earned the endorsement of the Atlanta, Georgia-based Tea Party Patriots”

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Listen, pinhead. We can have that “discussion” about Muslims and Sharia law when you get those Ten Commandments off the courthouse steps! Got it?!

    I’m like you, JJ. These people just piss me off.

  4. Look, one of his brain cells actually fired off in enough time to prevent him from completing his sentence the way he originally was going to say it: “I am absolutely suggesting that figure out how do we deport every Muslim from the country.” Once that brain cell dies, he will start to speak a lot more like his idol, the Trump.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    “I am absolutely suggesting we figure out how do we, we — here’s what we should be doing. We should be monitoring every mosque. We should be monitoring all social media.”
    How, in all that is holy, have we gotten to this point?

  6. This is what you do when and if you haven’t got a hope in hell.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Marcia in Co: You gave us a direct quote from the Trump. And yet, on another site some Trumpster declared that Trump has NEVER said anything against Muslims! THAT is how we got to this point.

    You just cannot fix stoopid. You just can’t.

  8. Google ” can naturalization citizens be deported?”
    There are 4 criteria.
    Belonging to a terrorist organization is one.

    Let the fun begin if the are labeling the RELIGION Islam as a terrorist organizarion!

  9. two crows says:

    I am absolutely suggesting we figure out how do we, we — here’s what we should be doing. We should be monitoring every snacilbupeR headquarters – or hindquarters, for that matter. Every club, every snacilbupeR organization. We should be monitoring all social media.

    They must be Watched. Because you never know what kind of mischief Those People might be getting up to.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    JAKvirginia … I copied and pasted what Paul Nehlen had said in the quote JJ posted above! I suspect they are all quoting what Trump is trumpeting!!
    My God, they can’t say anything that isn’t a bald face lie or something so outrageous that it leaves “normal” folks standing with their mouths hanging open at the audacity!
    You’re right … we’re not going to be able to fix their special kind of stooooopid!!!

  11. Paulie, I’m absolutely suggesting we monitor and consider deporting every glassbowl in America… and you and your buddy Donald would be high on the list. Unfortunately we can’t do that because it’s unconstitutional. Does that word have too many syllables for you?

  12. WA Skeptic says:

    @Rhea says–and which country would consent to take them?? Maybe Putin would let these guys stay at his dacha outside of Moscow.

  13. Bitter Scribe says:

    Could Ryan really lose to this guy??

  14. @JJ

    can Bubba file a non compos mentis suit with a local court and get this guy a full time professional keeper. He shouldn’t be running for office; hell he shouldn’t even be voting without intellectual support.

  15. Those doofi (plural of doofus) who advocate deliberate violation of the US Constitution ought to be deported or imprisoned on Guantanamo as a terroristic threat to this nation. Oh, and force them to pray to Allah 5 times per day.

  16. America has always had our fair share of crazies and election years seem to bring them out. This year, with the insanest of all showing the way, has really brought the loonies scuttling out of all the dark corners. Notice how much they blink in the sunlight?

  17. Debbo reminds me of a guy I used to work with who would occasionally mutter, “They’re not all in the trees today.” I never knew if he meant the squirrels, the nuts, or what, but it’s a useful remark when coming in from the supermarket or the beltway. Useful here too, except that it’s thereby an insult to every sane and legitimate tree dweller.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Ignorance is a circumstance.
    Stupid is a choice.

  19. @ JAKvirginia:

    Sherry [Thomas Sheridan] is dull, naturally dull; but it must have taken him a great deal of pains to become what we now see him. Such an excess of stupidity, sir, is not in Nature.
    — Samuel Johnson

  20. JAKvirginia: sorry I gotta disagree. Stupid is low IQ, geneticly or as a result of some kind of trauma. Ignorance is a lack of information. The problem since the rise of Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes is willful ignorance.

  21. charles r. phillips says:

    Do we have a pool yet on when Trumps going to drop out of the race in disgrace? If so, I want Labor Day, and if not, why not?

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    Sorry, P.P. — I must disagree with you. I checked several definitions of the term stupid and none of them inferred a genetic or traumatic origin. Where are you getting that?

    Ignorance is a circumstance. We are all ignorant, just in different things. Willful ignorance IS a choice. That is what is stupid.

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    charles r. phillips: I don’t see him dropping out. I really don’t. Judging by the ego-mania thus far displayed, dropping out doesn’t fit the profile. Losers drop out. I believe he will go to Nov., lose his butt, then play the third act of Camille for all it’s worth. He’ll play the victim to the hilt — rigged election, etc. Haven’t we seen this routine before? Once you understand them, psychopaths are so easy to identify.

  24. charles r. phillips says:

    Maybe, but he has a history of dropping losing propositions and letting his lawyers sort it out. I think he’ll realize there’s no hope, cry foul, and sic his lawyers on Hillary, the DNC, the RNC, Obama–anyone who can be used to deflect his failure.

    And my money is on Labor Day. Consider; he is already talking about a rigged election. His signature achievement, the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City is closing the day after Labor Day. If he isn’t viable versus Hillary, it’s the perfect time to drop out.

    He’s a scammer, a con artist, a nogoodnick, not a politician. To him, it was all about the self-agrandisement, not service to his country.

  25. I definitely don’t see him going all the way to November if the polls keep dropping.

    In fact I have to wonder two possibilities: 1) are we actually seeing signs of cognitive impairment–would explain his inability to stay on message and 2) is he trying to step out of race by self-sabotage?

    Trumps extreme statements about “Losers” and himself as always a “winner” is part of his identity–and narcissism. I don’t think he can emotionally handle actually losing. I mean like psychotic break to allow himself to think he’s a “loser.”

    Today they mentioned that a lot of his decisions right now are concern about the impact to his business…he is still more focused on his brand than on what being president really means.

    So, if he thinks he will lose–he’ll work to have the campaign taken away from him–which I think we are watching. And then he can claim he would have won if that had only never happened.

  26. JAKvirginia says:

    charles r. phillips and Star: you both make very good points. But a thought occurred to me: The Donald doesn’t do anything unless he expects to make a buck. So I’m trying to follow the money trail to figure out his next move. Stay tuned…

  27. It doesn’t matter what these people do or say. The faithful will ALWAYS remain, because they simply believe without question what they’re told, out of a desperate need to belong to something they perceive as important, maybe. The wreckpublican love affair with ignorance, hatred, illiteracy, bronze-age religion, and weapons is a pretty heady, if toxic, brew. The hangover, OTOH, is somewhat of a [female canine].

    News note: Wisconsin has an open primary. Democrats in Ryan’s district (1) are being encouraged by progressive media to jump over and vote for Nehlen to oust the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver from the Speaker’s chair. In. My. Fondest. Dreams.

  28. another dumb cluck

  29. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @ mel#4- the thing is whenever a brain cell fires it self-destructs, therefore, whenever these guys try to “think” they inflict grievous neurological harm on themselves- I believe it’s painful enough they avoid it whenever possible. I’d be worried because voters in the cheese-head state have proven themselves, with the election and re-election of governor Scott Walker, less than reliable.


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