No, Wait! Fix This! Fix The Hell Outta This.

November 29, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz has a theory about the Denver Planned Parenthood killings.

While urging caution about drawing conclusions about the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting that left three dead, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday pointed to claims on conservative blogs that the suspected shooter is a “transgendered leftist activist.”

No. Just No.  Just Hell No.

Personally, I think Cruz wants the guy’s endorsement.  He did, after all, brag about his endorsement by the head of Operation Rescue.

Newman is president of Operation Rescue, a group devoted to shuttering abortion clinics. He also serves as one of three board members of the Center for Medical Progress, the little-known California group behind a video project targeting Planned Parenthood over its fetal tissue donation program.

Newman has long been one of the nation’s most controversial antiabortion activists, in part because of remarks he has made apparently praising the killing of abortion doctors and calling women who have abortions “murderers.”

In the past couple of hours Cruz is backing off the transgendered leftist thing – he now claims he just meant that “we don’t know, it could be anything.”  Yeah, a Canadian gun owner running for President.  Thats who it could be. Or Lindsey Graham.  You never know.

Thanks to Bubba for going back to the wifi machine before I exploded.

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