No Step On Snek

December 05, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

A long, long time ago, I heard an exhortation to sign up at a social media site called “Twitter”. It was the newest thing. At first, I didn’t because…why? But when I had to attend a social media in-service class in my old school district, the assignment was to enroll in every conceivable social media site we could think of, or ones on the list provided for us.

So I did.

I already had a MySpace account, so all I had to do was to create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram, Reddit and others I have forgotten about.

I used Twitter exclusively for a year or so just to play a game on Comedy Central.

I actually won once.

Then Elon bought Twitter and the whole place went to H-E-double-hockeysticks as “X” and I opted out of what was becoming a sewer for traitors and porn bots.

And then I signed up for a new Meta group called “Threads”. Threads is fun like Twitter used to be. Yes, there are Trump Trolls there, too. But not as many. More often, you find self-meming memes on Threads, which just give me the giggles sometimes.

Like today’s


0 Comments to “No Step On Snek”

  1. Not just giggles, but good advice to? two? too!

  2. Harry Eagar says:

    In high school, my religion teacher was a Maronite priest from Lebanon. He had grown up deep in the sticks but had gotten a better than first-rate education (spoke 7 languages).

    He was always contrasting the good fortune of us Catholics with ‘the poor pipple who worship thee sneks.’

    For the longest time, I thought that was a jest. But eventually my ethnographic reading revealed that, indeed, people in his neck of the woods were, indeed, worshipping thee sneks.

  3. It seems the “artist” of the homemade sign did not benefit from phonics, hence the spelling of “snek.” I would think if he/she sounded it out, it would be “snak.” Which looks a lot like what one might eat between meals, or meles… I hope it was a case of ESL, not total ignorance… so. No step on snek.

  4. slipstream says:

    Suddenly I have this urge to step on Snek . . .

  5. RepubAnon says:

    Step on Shrek? Sounds like a job for Godzilla.

    On a side note, a rainbow version of the Gadston Flag would explode a few MAGA brains

  6. Well the guy can’t spell, but by God he sure can park.
    And believe it or not, in this age of “Ain’t nobody can tell me what to do” that tiny amount of consideration can sometimes actually seem significant.

  7. I thought it said, “No on step snek.”

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    It’s been a meme around since at least 2019 and I vaguely recall seeing it before T**** squatted in the White House. When I’ve seen it, it’s a spoof on the Gadsden flag with mispelling and child-like drawing skills to make fun of the rednecks that use the Gadsden flag as if it was a serious political position.

    So the odds are the guy is one of us in spite of his (her?) choice of vehicle. At the very least, he gets points for not having a giant T**** flag and multiple bumper stickers attacking Hunter Biden on the truck.

    You can buy them on Amazon, and as this link points out, you can get them as door mats:

  9. Well, s/he does have two stickers on the back window, but they’re illegible.
    But s/he’s driving a Dodge pickemup, and visiting a ‘ convenience store’, so can’t be too bright…

  10. Half Empty says:

    Yeah, I knew it was a “libtard meme” but it’s a very cool thing, don’t you think? The pic needs no explanatory text to go with it.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I would like to think a good humored lib stepped on the magats with big trucks and annoying decals. It’s more fun to think that than a magat (a meget?) with spelling issues, though that wouldn’t surprise me either. I just wish I could read the 2 back window decals.

  12. I would love to decorate that truck and any truck/car that I see with Trump bumper stickers/flag with a magnetic version of a bumper sticker with Biden/Harris. Wonder how long it would take them to figure out that it was there….hehe
