No Squirrel in This Tree

September 22, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, so we know that Juanita is not an enormous fan of Harry Reid, something she admitted to this morning.

But yesterday, this came to the home of Susan’s Bubba.

It starts out, “If you’re the Republican I’ve been told you are, then I need you to find your checkbook right now….”

Sharron, Babe, you keep right on throwing that money down this rabbit hole.  You’d think they could weed-out a triple D, a Democratic donor, a Democratic precinct chair, and a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee — especially if they’re all the same person.  That’s what you’d think.  And, you’d think wrong.

Sharron Angle is an idiot.  We’ll send Harry a check.

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