No, Seriously, They’re Serious

February 11, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Juanita wants you to meet Bobby Eberle, a very prominent Texas Republican and owner of a webzine he considers “the leading Republican/conservative web site in the country.”

Bobby write a weekly column called The Loft.  Here’s the email announcement of this week’s column —

Yep, let’s stir up the nuts, put them in the roaster and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Bobby Eberle, who is State Chairman for the Texas Young Republican Federation, jumps in the Muslim Mixer and puts fire under the nuts.

Since we don’t watch Fox news, we missed this little ditty.  It seems that Fox had a “focus group” of Republicans after Bill O’Reilly’s rude interview of the President.  I think they were disappointed that O’Reilly didn’t beat the President to death with the Bible.  They overwhelmingly believe the President is a Muslim and Neville Chamberlain.

You can read Bobby’s bloated bullcorn right here.  And, the comments of 166 people who are sitting at their computer wearing a tin foil hat and carrying ten pounds of pious on their shoulders.  Some of them can spell.

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