No, No, You’re Doing It Wrong. There’s a Hashtag First.

September 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So there’s the guy in Central Texas named Scott Lattin who is all the hell gung-ho about law and order.  He had a bumper sticker on his truck that supports the police.

And that’s why, he says, somebody came along and painted Black Lives Matter in his truck’s rear window and along the side of the truck.  The police came and took a report.

Then FOX News calls and asks if they can come do a story.  Sure, good buddy, come on over and we’ll talk trash about black people.

When Fox gets there, oh my gawd, the glove box is torn open and the seats are slashed.  Like, you know, magic.

After the Fox News report, the story went to Fox national news and then three things happen:

  1. His family started a Go Fund Me account that raised $6,000
  2. The police noticed that the slashing happened after they has been there
  3. Lattin fesses up that he did it himself

His reason?  He needed insurance money to fix his truck.  He’s white.  Insurance fraud is white crime.


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Thanks to John for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No, No, You’re Doing It Wrong. There’s a Hashtag First.”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Just another Ya’ll Qaeda false flag operation gone wrong. If he had been a mensch and eaten the costs, but no. What the criminal justice system doesn’t do to him for the insurance fraud, the insurance company will to make his life the misery it deserves.

  2. Even Bugs Bunny, the originator of “What a maroon!”, would turn up his rabbity nose at this guy!

  3. Corinne Sabo says:

    Way to commit a crime, dude.

  4. publius balonius says:

    So that GoFundMe account should be closed by now, right? Commission of a crime and all. Just sayin’.

  5. publius balonius says:

    The police may want to search his garage for the missing spray can, as well. This is just six-syllable stupid.

  6. Many black people who have been pulled over for Driving While Black, will have no comprehension how anyone could even think it’s an option to vandalize your own truck, then intentionally call the police to see what you’ve done, agree to exaggerate the situation for national news (watched by the cops you called to fill out the report) and think you can get away with it.

    But if someone did come up with this kind of scheme and had a chance to pull it off, it would be a white person.

  7. Wondering if he’s gonna try and play the Disabled Vet card. If he doesn’t have any employment, then I have a little sympathy for him. But that doesn’t justify fraud – especially race-baiting fraud.

  8. This fool, the adulterous teabaggers, and Faux News.

    Are we getting a trend here?

  9. e platypus onion says:

    But,you guys know and i know Fake Noise viewers will still believe Blacks vandalized the truck because-Obama.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Did you read the original story? $5000 damage,truck totalled,lap top stolen etc.

  11. What an imbecile!

  12. Turns out racists really are not very smart. I am not shocked by this.

  13. We should check Hillary’s e-mails to see how deeply she was involved in this matter.

    Funny how anyone making an anti-police statement with a blacklivesmatter t-shirt proves that the entire movement are cop-killers, yet a failed attempt at exploiting the “copslivesmatter” meme is just another bad apple.

  14. Larry from Colorado says:

    Is his “disability” mental?

  15. I can imagine that those who sent money to the family’s gofundme account are feeling very cheesy right about now. People like Lattin take advantage of their gullibility and use them to enrich themselves. I would hope that gofundme would freeze the account and insist that donors’ money be refunded to them. After watching Fox News and O’Reilly’s rants against BLM, I think Lattin decided that he’d help advance the “BLM is a terrorist group” meme but it turns out that he’s not as smart as he thought he was when it came to successfully pulling off the scam. A pic of him being led to jail in handcuffs is exactly how this stupid stunt should have ended. His goal was to make BLM look bad, but it is he who now looks like the race-baiting liar that he is.

  16. Either he doesn’t watch many police TV shows or he doesn’t pay attention. He should have avoided his “inspiration” to upgrade the vandalism after the police came. Everybody knows you can’t change the crime scene and get away with it. This boy’s missing a few cards from the deck.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Biggest disability appears to be the “R” as in rethuglican albatrossed around his neck.

  18. Damn that Obama and big Guberment! Always getting in the way Free Market enterprise.

  19. BENGHIZI !

  20. On the upside, if this turns out to be a felony, he may not get to vote in the next election.

  21. I may have to study up on this a bit. Somehow it just seems to make no sense.
    Yeah, I s’pose there’s a bit of irony there.

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    I also find it astonishing that some cop in “central Texas” was observant – and honest – enough to sort this out.

  23. Why are all these Fine Upstanding Conservative Republicans turning to Crime and Scams trying to get a Free Lunch Handout?

    They should just work harder for success…

  24. Token Arkansan says:

    As usual I blame Hillary, ACORN, Planned Parenthood, the memory of Saul Alinsky, and the scientific method. Pope Francis may soon join the enemies list/honor roll. Grampa swears the morning shows will be all about the papal visit, but he only watches the O’Really channel & I intend to collect on our bet that Emmy coverage of fashion misdeeds will prevail. How can all these practicing Catholics have the effrontery to stifle his free speech in advance? Were they never disciplined for disrespect?(I’ve heard stories from college buddies who survived parochial school) Does the First Amendment only apply to U.S. Citizens? Doesn’t his chemistry degree outrank faith-based politics when it comes to science?
