No, No, You’re Doing It Wrong. There’s a Hashtag First.
So there’s the guy in Central Texas named Scott Lattin who is all the hell gung-ho about law and order. He had a bumper sticker on his truck that supports the police.
And that’s why, he says, somebody came along and painted Black Lives Matter in his truck’s rear window and along the side of the truck. The police came and took a report.
Then FOX News calls and asks if they can come do a story. Sure, good buddy, come on over and we’ll talk trash about black people.
When Fox gets there, oh my gawd, the glove box is torn open and the seats are slashed. Like, you know, magic.
After the Fox News report, the story went to Fox national news and then three things happen:
- His family started a Go Fund Me account that raised $6,000
- The police noticed that the slashing happened after they has been there
- Lattin fesses up that he did it himself
His reason? He needed insurance money to fix his truck. He’s white. Insurance fraud is white crime.
Thanks to John for the heads up.