No, No, Wait For It! Wait! Yes! He Does It! Louie Gohmert Hits a Triple!

March 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Not content to make a fool of himself at a funeral and make up weird statistics on the House floor, East Texas Congressroach Louie Gohmert sets a new personal record of three Goofies in one day.

I’m going to retire now because I had $20 on the Gohmert trifecta.

Gohmert predicts that we liberals aren’t going to like it when a redneck (yes, he said that exact word) gets elected President of these here United States and then wants to come into our bedroom and make sure we aren’t doing anything outside of the missionary position ….

Oh hell, I can’t tell this.  I just can’t.  That much ignorance coupled with dirty thinking makes the curl fall out of my hair.  I’ll let Louie tell it himself.  He’s an expert on ignorant dirty thinking.  And, he’s not handicapped with hair.

So, he’s talking about what will happen if the Supremes uphold insurance mandates.

“It ought to scare liberals to come run and join conservatives, because what it means is when this president’s out of the White House and you get a conservative in there, if this president has the authority under ObamaCare … to trample on religious rights, then some redneck president’s got the right to say, ‘you know what, there’s some practices that go on in your house that cost people too much money and healthcare, so we’re going to have the right to rule over those as well.’ “

He’s talking about sodomy.

Holy Painting of Jesus On The Wall With Moving Eyes!  The man is talking about sodomy laws in Texas.  Louie loves to talk about sodomy.  It makes his eyes twinkle.

As far as I’m concerned, this is more of an endorsement of never, ever electing a redneck President than it is a bashing of ObamaCare.

And if Louie is trying to scare us about rednecks, he doesn’t have to do that.   I’ve been to East Texas and I am plenty up to here damn scared of rednecks.  Like Louie.

Somebody needs to rope this man and tie him up somewhere because the week is young and  every reporter with nothing to do is gonna stick a microphone in his face hoping to win the Can He Make It Four? betting pool.

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