No. No. No No No No No Nooooooooooooo

September 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, he’s selling this.

He’s a sitting United States Senator and he’s selling this picture of himself to make money.


Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 8.55.46 AM



Thanks to Daphne for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No. No. No No No No No Nooooooooooooo”

  1. Hey, it’s American made!

    This country has gotten freaking weird.

  2. That just made me nauseous, for real.

  3. Why can’t republicans ever find anyone who’s skilled in Photoshop?

  4. The photoshop was not very good, obvious where the head meets the neck. Is this really going to go over well with the repugs? Can’t imagine it will, but stranger things have happened. Hope this another scam on the baggers.

  5. This is a joke right? Cannot be real.

  6. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Winston Churchill on the right bicep?

    Bald Eagle carrying a human heart with two arrows through it?

    Man…. That’s just too messed up…..

    Just saying…..

  7. I thought I’d drink my coffee and eat my scrambled eggs and bacon while reading TWMDBSI. Not doing THAT again. Yuck.

    Now that relations with Cuba have been to some extent normalized, can Cuban Ted be sent away? Maybe through Gitmo?

  8. as to dave’s comment, no it’s canadian made, rebranded as an american.

  9. No contest. This guy is officially insane.

  10. Angelo_Frank says:

    Send the sleaze ball thug back to Canada!

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    Holy Crap! My eyes … my eyes!! I was already feeling a little sick to my stomach … this just sent me over the freakin’ edge!!

  12. $50 for THAT? No. Never.

  13. Looks like Cruz is going for the large Biker vote. Hope that works for him.

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I just dug out my Obama “HOPE” poster to remind me how much classier we are than the Republicans. I’ve still got “HOPE”.

  15. shortpeople says:

    If I ever need help with over eating looking at this before a meal will do just fine.

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    Depends on who is getting the money, if it’s a progressive group making fun of this sleazeball, worth it. If Cruz is behind it, nope nope nopey nope.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Large font, flashing technicolor: Dear goddess, no. Just no.

  18. I don’t currently own a dart board, but I am now considering purchasing one.

  19. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Dear Republicans,

    Y’all are way too stiff to pull this comedy stuff off. Please stop trying.

    Love and Brain Bleach,
    People With Eyes

  20. Paul Vaughan says:

    I just ate.

  21. best diet pill ever

  22. Only possible motive I can figure for this is desperation to make the news. The rest of the R’s are ignoring his latest government shutdown threat; even his BFF Mike Lee is treating it as a joke. It can’t be money as any sane person would pay double to delete that image from memory.

    Someone needs to explain to the Senator that once you post something on the internet, it is there FOREVER. What we tell the kids.

  23. This is just nasty, but for me the most tasteless part is the cigarette. Really? I just can’t imagine the thought process that came up with this. And then during discussion didn’t just laugh the idea off, but said oh hey, what a great idea!

  24. Is this serious or is someone screwing with Teddy’s head?

    What a maron.

  25. e platypus onion says:

    I’m guessing arrows through the heart from both directions indicates bi-___uality and is a subliminal message to male pages that he is theirs for the right price.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    chas in Louisiana-prolly made in Cuba and then shipped to Canada to enter the US tariff free.

  27. Brian Meehan says:

    At first I thought this was part of your Friday cartoons…is it? I am not so good at irony.

  28. I’m going to puke.

    This…….. whatever it is……… actually was elected ……by some people……to represent me…. and others…… in the Senate of these United States.

    Good Gawd Almighty!

  29. Ted Cruz, the most famous Canadian since Pamela Anderson.
    Yep, she’s Canadian.

  30. gabberflasted says:

    Hmmmm, I count 54 stars. Six rows of nine each. Fifty states, Cuba, Canada, LaLaLand and Denial.

  31. And I too just ate. I am NOT looking at the details in that thing. And I mean the subject as well as the image.

    Really, is he selling that, it’s not a joke attack from somebody else?

    I knew he’s a psychopath, and this just confirms that he has no class or taste whatsoever. That goes way beyond tacky for a “presidential” candidate. Or even for a candidate for town council in Jackass, Arkansas.

  32. My eyes! My eyes!

  33. OY FRICKIN’ VEY!!!

  34. I think it’s funny but I sure am not buying one. And it DOES look like the neck is a cork for a wine bottle. You think that’s a sign of something?

  35. If anyone finds one in the trash, smooth it out and save it and make multiple copies. I bet bars would love them for dart boards.

  36. Before I go back down to the basement, I would say that poster looks photoshopped. Yes, its his head, but that bod belong to someone else entirely. I live and work just down the pike from The Hill and I can tell you that Daddy Cruz’s boy is nowhere’s this buff, shirt on or off!

  37. Notice the smell of desperation?

  38. I really, really hope it turns out to be the result of hacking.

  39. I love the cigarette. That’s the crowning touch. Great photo-shopping job!

  40. Linda Phipps says:

    Micr: Now that relations with Cuba have been to some extent normalized, can Cuban Ted be sent away? Maybe through Gitmo?

    Cubs is too normal for him.

  41. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Presidential material, my *ss.

  42. He looks like a street thug. Oh, wait, he IS a thug. The dangling cigarette is a nice touch — so Marlon Brando. Is this his idea of appealing to women?!?

  43. Linda Lester says:

    And this is the righteous man who is supporting the disturbed clerk in Kentucky under the auspices of religious freedom??
    This is the man who recited Green Eggs and Ham on the floor of the US Senate, the same man that said “WE NEED 100 MORE LIKE JESSE HELMS IN THE US Senate, the same man who was responsible for a government shutdown over Obamacare and now is on Obamacare–the same man who wants to shutdown the government over Planned Parenthood–this is the man who criticized Jimmie Carter’s presidency a day after President Carter told the public about his cancer diagnosis– apparently, his daddy Rafael paid no attention to him as a child and that resulted in a constant need for attention–that explains his trotting after the Trumpster to foster more attention for himself. This man is deranged and dangerous–hope the news people will tell it like it is with him. All the while, he claims to the world that he is such a Christian –where have all the sensible people gone??

  44. His nose doesn’t quite right. And that’s on the TV. Was he a fighter at one time? Maybe they were mean to him in the sixth grade.

    Fran Seyer has a point. This is a great diet poster.

  45. e platypus onion says:

    Looks like a cover of BlueBoy magazine. Comes with a complimentary copy of Cyndi Lauper’s She Bop song.

  46. Enough to gag a maggot.

  47. I really cannot believe that some of you looked at it closely and noted and counted details. Had no idea there were masochists on this site.

  48. I. Am. Gonna. Be. Ill
    Physically. Ill.::-P
