No, No, No, I’m Gonna Close My Eyes And All This Will Go Away

November 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go. If you ever needed a reason to leave politics, you’ve got it.


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Donald Trump is criticizing Hillary Clinton’s hair.

It cannot get more absurd than this.


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0 Comments to “No, No, No, I’m Gonna Close My Eyes And All This Will Go Away”

  1. Better a wig than that hopefully dead critter Trump has on his head.

  2. Just one more bit of evidence for the theory that when Republicans point fingers at Democrats, it’s about stuff they’re already doing themselves.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Donald? It’s not about the hair, sweetie. It’s about what’s underneath it. In that race… YOU LOSE!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Donald, Donald, Donald. HRC has a record as FLOTUS, Senator, Secretary of State and now candidate with carefully considered policies. Care to discuss policy?

    As for “hair,” dude, you need to leave that topic alone. Or at least spend a small portion of your gains by bankruptcy on mirrors for yourself, E-Reich and Hair Disaster, Jr.

    Maybe if you ask nice and send a generous contribution to the effort to make Texas Blue, The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. will do its best to solve the hair problem for you and your sons.

    Texas Democratic Party
    c/o Glen Maxey
    P.O. Box 116
    Austin, TX 78767

  5. Had to happen. Knew it would. He long ago passed the barrier for flat out macadamianess.

  6. Wanna bet it can’t get any worse. Gracious me, girl. They ARE ‘publicans and sinners

  7. Trump’s comments about Hillary’s hair carry about as much weight as comparing his policy credentials to Hillary’s.

    We all know who’s thin where it counts, at the top.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, and Donnie? If we’re going to attack a person’s appearance you’re billions should be able to afford a better make-up person. That dour raccoon look is getting tired.

  9. He’s jealous! He’s jealous! I’ve never been a real fan of hers, but I have always admired Hillary’s hair; maybe not always a particular style she wore, but I think she has great hair. No one would ever say that about the Duck (as in Donald) except maybe his wife or someone he pays to stroke his ego.

  10. I cracked up laughing when I saw that headline. He wins the prize for idiocy.

  11. The Donald,

    Sir, what’s your point?

  12. Yes, it CAN get more absurd than this. And probably will. We have another year to go !

  13. Yeah..she’s bald dude..and she’s still better qualified to be President than you.

  14. If there’s one thing this political season has demonstrated is that when it comes to absurdity, it can ALWAYS get worse…

  15. He is every obnoxious, sexist, asinine bully I’ve ever met all rolled into one.

  16. I think he’s just a bit overly sensitive about the whole “hair topic”.

  17. Karen in NM says:

    He’s a gas-bag who will say anything to keep the Krazy Klown Kar in motion, and to deflect attention from the fact that he has nothing of merit to recommend him for POTUS.

  18. That’s it! He has to be held down and that mess on his head has to be shaved off. Then his mouth has to be sewn shut. And finally a bag put over his head. Then and only then will this political process begin to make any sense at all. (Probably have to do the same to Carson.)
    God! He has nerve. It must be nice to live in the Trump alternate universe.

  19. Hillary does have great hair – you can see photos from her entire life – good hair is good hair.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Time for President Obi-Wan Kenobi to break out another comedy can of whoop-azz on the snacilbupeR wimps. Deal with Putin? Those ‘men’ are terrified of a strong American woman. Imagine what they would do in the presence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Ach, Jon Stewart, you left us too early. There’s another year of comedy gold to mine; please return.

  21. Maybe he’s confusing a wig with the “tin foil hat” he seems to need.

    Heh. All the Dems need to do is start rattling off the rather EXTENSIVE FAILs that are associated with the Trump monniker. Deport MILLIONS of hard working people, how? Oh, it will be done…

  22. PKM, by having mentioned Chancellor Angela Merkel gets the Angela Merkel Joke of the Day…

    Angela Merkel arrives at Passport Control at Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris.
    “Nationality?” asks the immigration officer.
    “German,” she replies.
    “No, just visiting a few days.”

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, good one!

    Why do the snacilbupeR fear God?

    They heard She might be a woman.

  24. Secretary Clinton has celebrated the thirtyninth anniversary of her twentyninth birthday and the Donald has past his sixtyninth birthday, though both have acquired quite bit of experience only one seems to have tried to convert that experience into wisdom.
    Mrs Clinton wearing a wig, why not? The Donald could certainly use one. Remember Jane Jetson had her morning mask to answer the videophone and she was only thirty-three at the time. Why can’t we accept that with age there will be a certain amount of physical deterioration.
    All this considered I was shocked to find out that once I hit my mid sixties not all women considered me to be God’s Gift to them.

  25. Cole, I knew a man of 80 whom a number of women considered to be God’s Gift. Maybe you just need to work on it a little– and I don’t necessarily mean looks.

  26. daChipster says:

    I’ve always said the GOP has more projectors than a multiplex, but this isn’t mere projection: it’s projectile vomitus.

    I would give my left something to see Hillary wear a Trump fright-wig to troll him.

  27. Republicans have a hell of a time understanding a woman who doesn’t get a boob job or go under the knife to get that Sarah Palin methface.

    She’s non-commodifiable, smarter than any of them by a long shot, and a natural beauty. The only way they can respond is with tribal grunting and poop throwing.

  28. Irish in S.C. says:

    Something to look for. Try to find out what question was put before the Donald just before he made that piece of ignorance. This is what repugs do best. They will come up with something incredibly stupid to get the attention off of the fact that they don’t have an answer.

  29. “Great minds discuss ideas;
    Average minds discuss events;
    Small minds discuss people.”

    And gibbering idiot twits discuss hairstyles. (Not in the confines of the Beauty Shop, of course, JJ. Then it’s a professional conversation.)

    Ever notice how much of DT’s blather is about his fellow candidates, or random people he targets?

  30. I noticed one of the comments under this story at Talking Points Memo says that Trump is a man whose campaign song should be “We Shall Overcomb”.

  31. Oh, Elsie, that’s a knee slapper! Thanks for the guffaw.

  32. austinhatlady says:

    @Irish in S.C.
    From the article:
    After Levin asked Trump why the Democrats think Clinton appeals to voters, the Republican presidential contender responded: “Well, she has a new hairdo. Did you notice that today?”

    Levin responded: “That’s called a wig.”

    “Is that a wig?” Trump asked.

    “I think it’s a wig, nothing personal. Look, I’m not against wigs, people can wear whatever they want,” said Levin, who is bald.

  33. Donald ‘the Hair’ Trump should know as his expertise in personal grooming is almost as savvy as his experience in politics.

    “Donald Trump Fined After Wig Maker Reveals Use Of Endangered Species’ Hair”
    – See more at:

  34. Marge Wood says:

    All I can say is I wonder if Trump’s wife wears ear plugs.

  35. This coming from a guy who spent hours on the stage with Rand Paul? And said nothing about Paul’s hair?

  36. Lex: I will never be able to look at DT (great initials) again without thinking of a water buffaloes pubic hair. Brain bleach.

  37. You are welcome Mary Beth! Lol that’s actually less nauseating than how I think of DT now.

  38. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    LynnN, T-Rump did take a swipe at Baby Paul: (paraphrasing) “I haven’t said anything about how you look. And, believe me there is plenty there.”

  39. “It cannot get more absurd than this.”

    you do realize this will be taken as a challenge, don’t you?

  40. “water buffaloes pubic hair”

    No! No! No! I didn’t read that! There is not enough brain bleach on or off the planet.
