No, No, No, I Have Eyes

April 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lyin’ Eyes – a famous country western song – immediately came to mind when I read this.



Nope. I have eyes. Either he’s not missing lunch or he eats the whole rest of the damn day.

The point they were trying to make is to refute “a report that the commander-in-chief spends his days obsessing over TV coverage and eating fries.”  Because, you know, it looks like that’s what he’s doing.

White House staffers said the president works around the clock and can make five dozen work-related calls a day during the pandemic.

“I can tell you that the biggest concern I have as a new chief of staff is making sure he gets some time to get a quick bite to eat,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told The Post.

Five dozen?  Honey, that’s 60 calls. If he calls Rudy Giuliani 30 times, does that count as one or almost three dozen?

Look, if he’s doing 60 calls a day, then he ain’t doing this president thing right.  Plus, he barely knows 60 words, so this is kinda hard to believe.

But, here’s his proof that he’s working hard.



Yep – running around in circles demanding to be praised is hard work.



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