No, No, Jerry, Not The F Word
The F word that will forevermore be associated with Rick Perry.
California Gov. Jerry Brown minced no words Tuesday in dismissing Rick Perry’s much-ballyhooed radio ad encouraging businesses to flee the Golden State and move to Texas. Brown called Perry’s ad campaign “barely a fart.” “It’s not a serious story, guys,” he told reporters. “It’s not a burp. It’s barely a fart.”
Kinda like his Presidential campaign.
Thanks to David for the heads up.
“It’s barely a fart.” It’s just an “ooze out.”
1I didn’t really need that image in my head so early in the morning.
2Pfft, that’s what Nero Wolfe says!
3I think it kinda reduces Gov Goodhair to his essential element.
4Man, that’s a real gas!
5I think it says much about California that we elected Reagan, Nixon, Schwarzenegger and Brown (elected twice) as our governors.
I’m just not sure what it says.
6Perry’s radio ad may have passed so quickly that the air in California cleared before it wrinkled anyone’s nose, but that hasn’t been the case in Texas.
I, for one, wish that Governor Gasbag would stop his crop-dusting in this state.
7I guess Governor Goodhair forgot to take his Beano.
8I love me some Governor Moonbeam.
9Darn. I thought Gov. Brown had said the other F word.
10If anybody deserves the other F word, it’s Perry.