No, No, Here’s One Better: People With Ta-Tas Should Get Two Votes. Everyone Else Gets One.

February 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tom Perkins, the venture capitalist who does not believe in democracy, has an idea.  The more money you have, the more votes you get.  Which means, of course, that Paris Hilton gets about a billion more votes than I do.

That makes sense.  She is, after all, a lot smarter.

Screen Shot 2014-02-14 at 5.31.38 PMPressed for examples of how the rich were being demonized, Perkins said that he feared higher taxes.

“The fear is wealth tax, higher taxes, higher death taxes — just more taxes until there is no more 1%. And that that will creep down to the 5% and then the 10%,” he said.

Oh, you mean Ronald Reagan’s trickle down theory scares you?

Demonized.  Yo, Tom, kiss my blue blue butt.

Thanks to everybody in the 99% for the heads up.

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