No More Ms Nice Democrat

July 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m still in the Texas Valley this weekend for vacation and Democratic trouble making. The Texas Democratic Party is sick and tired of being tired and marginalized.

Stand up. Fight back.   Instead of being Republican Lite, I will fight to be “Damn right we’re different from those other guys!”

More to come but if you have ideas on what the Texas Democratic Party should be doing, let’s hear it.

And by the way, do you think the GOP will give President Obama credit for this?


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0 Comments to “No More Ms Nice Democrat”

  1. Credit? Of course not. And Romney’s line about the economy’s headed in the right direction, but not fast enough, is just not compelling. Gas prices ought to be dropping faster, I suppose.

  2. Sam in Kyle says:

    Remember, it was Obama’s fault when gas prices went UP but it’s just the economy at work when they go DOWN. This info is courtesy of the McConnell/Boehner School of Economics.

  3. TexasEllen says:

    If Mr. Romney thinks he can just pass all sorts of things with a bipartisan Congress, he just isn’t recognizing that his party’s leaders have been pissing in the punchbowl for the past four years. Likely to invoke more than a few filibusters, if just to balance the scales.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Things are OK for Romney & the other 1% but not for the rest of us. Sounds like the GOP economic plan.

  5. Richard says:

    I lived in Houston in 1971-72. There were three parties then….liberal Democrats, conservative Democrats, and, in distant third…..a few Republicans. Only Democrats won elections……so what happened?

  6. aggieland liz says:

    Register people to vote, number one on the list. Hit poor areas hard, try and energize them! Talk about immigration reform, better, more available healthcare, improving schools and hiring more teachers, NOT firing them! Talk about our declining civil rights, remind them that RETHUG policies are the ones that marginalize working class people! Celebrate victories like keeping the student loan interest affordable, healthcare, DREAM, SNAP being preserved, and remind them that these are starting points, we need to do more! When you raise the water level, the whole boat floats higher!

    GET RID OF RICK PERRY!! and Dewhurst, and Abbott (where’s Marge – c’mon, Marge help me out here 🙂

  7. daChipster says:

    The GOP, and especially the Texas GOP, seem bent on suicide. The old rule in politics is that when your enemy is destroying himself, get out of the way. But the times, they are a-changing. Assisted suicide is allowable, especially in this case. Really, it would be a mercy killing.

    Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned in a conflagration he set, so too the GOP is fiddling around with social issues and otherwise doing nothing while the country burns, both figuratively and literally, from their malignant negligence!

    When it came time for Nero to kill himself, he stood around with the blade against his chest, whimpering, too cowardly to do the deed. History records that he importuned his secretary to help him. Tradition states the man needed no urging, and shoved Nero’s arm out of disgusted impatience.

    The Texas Dems should do likewise. The dagger pointed at the Texas GOP’s heart is their ridiculous platform. You guys ought to shove it in their gut and twist it for good measure.

    There is enough statistical ammo out there to say with hyperbole your state was better off under Santa Ana. And the GOP wants to double down on stupid. “Had enough?” has worked well in such situations. But in Texas it should also read, “¿Ha tenido bastante?”

    A huge Mexican outreach, voter registration and GOTV effort is what you need, on top of pointing out how ridiculous the GOP has become.

    I’m not saying, I’m just saying.

  8. Bananas says:

    Set up a donation website where those of a mind to do so can contribute to pay for the documents needed by currently registered voters to get the ‘free’ state ID. Certified copies of Birth certificates, divorce decrees and marriage lines are not free and for women in particular an effective barrier to enfranchisement.

  9. Janice Stewart says:

    Yep, I like the voter registration / assistance with voter ID suggestions. And please keep pointing out, nicely but determinedly, how we are different from them. We don’t just want more government for its own sake, we want fairer, more helpful government. I think Obamacare is a wonderful name, because as he said, he does care. And Dems care and will work to make things better for all and not wait on the 1% to trickle on us.

  10. Jim Wynn says:

    No, now they’ll say it’s Obama’s fault that the prices are so low that the poor, beleaguered oil companies can’t make any money!!!

  11. Susan the Neon Nurse says:

    Bananas has a great idea. It’s going to take some thinking through, though. A website is a good start, but you have to remember that ANYONE can make a website. If the action got too successful, the bad guys could set up a site too and just collect the money themselves. Also, they could try to steer people to ask for help who didn’t really need it.

    The people doing the actual paying out need to be hooked up to VAN to make sure they are helping a real person. Making the project too paperwork intensive is bad, but insufficient checks and balances is also bad.

    I think I would tie it into either an already established Voter Reg group or make a sub group from county Dem groups. Something along those lines anyway.

  12. Richard, back then when Texas elected mostly Democrats, most of the Dems who got elected might as well have been Republicans. Not Tea Party Republicans, true, but John Connolly Republicans (He was still a Democrat when he was governor). They liked Ike and they voted for Ronnie Reagan. Eventually they gave up pretending to be Democrats.

  13. TexasEllen says:

    Bananas does have a dandy idea. Perhaps a group like the League of Women Voters might be a reasonable repository, since their mission has always been getting people registered.

    Also, it would be fun to ask the Republicans who claim they did not intend to disenfranchise 90 year old nuns if they would cover the expenses to document all egregious cases that can be unearthed.

  14. daChipster is right. That platform is enough to get a few D votes. I live in an oil patch 92% Republican suburb of north Harris county. These folks think heaven will be a lateral move. They also love their public schools. That Republican platform wants to do away with public schools. Hell, even the entire administration office at Klein ISD is Republican. If there were some way to get them to see the cognitive dissonance, the Dems could pick up more than a few votes. Once they see voting Democratic did not kill them, they might be inclined to do it again.

  15. Sagittarius says:

    Read the Preamble over and over again. Share it to others over and over again. Defend it over and over again. Anything else will suppress our way of democracy. This is the answer to prosperity and tranquility. Read it, Share it and Defend it over and over again. The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America.

  16. I still say Dems should use billboards! Full color charts like the “Vulture Graph”. Attack the neocons on their level: third grade crayons! Can’t be ignored.

  17. SGT Mike in Commerce says:

    from the heavily padded study in north easy Texas…

    I absolutely agree. Not just for JJ but for every Dem serving or running. Gosh no Dems should never be seen seriously by anyone as GOP Lite. I hope to see the President use the bully pulpit to tell ’em what’s right and lead (or drive) a Dem platform that elects candidates and re-elects serving Dems to counter the insanity offered up by the T’s and the do-nothingness offered up my the few remaining Republicans.

  18. The Dems need to find solid, simple messages and then stick with them. No more circling the wagons and firing inwards.

  19. MCPO RET says:

    The people most harmed by Perry and Gohmert and Cruz and the Repub. party don’t have a clue about what is happening to them.
    They don’t watch or listen to the news and they don’t vote.
    We must knock on doors as I am doing in my little South Texas town.
    We must talk to preachers and teachers and get these people to the voting booths.

  20. Sagittarius – reading the Preamble doesn’t help with many cases, people will claim it really isn’t part of the Constitution. Try the first sentence of Art. 1, Sec. 8.

    “…and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States…”

  21. Gas is down to $3.59/gallon this week.
    In MA it was $3.19.

    It was so cold last night, had to close the windows! Honest!
