No Matter How Cynical I Get, I Just Can’t Keep Up

April 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bannon, y’all.

The Washington Post did a big, long, documented, well researched story explaining how Bannon used loopholes and felonies to make himself one rich sumbitch.  Take the time to read it but be aware that your jaw will drop and hit your keyboard so be careful.  Bannon set up non-profits to funnel money to himself and friends.

Among the fun parts of the article is this:

Bannon, Schweizer and Robinson were linked through nonprofit organizations and filmmaking work. Bannon and Schweizer had made the film about President Ronald Reagan together in 2004; more recently, they were colleagues at Breitbart News. Schweizer sat on the board of Robinson’s Young America’s Foundation, which had paid Bannon $404,904 to produce films in 2010 and 2011, documents show, and would pay him almost $173,000 in 2012.

In the document seeking tax-exempt status for the GAI [Government Accountability Institute, a non-profit famed by Bannon], Bannon signed a document under penalty of perjury repeatedly attesting that each of them “has no family or business relationships with any other persons involved with GAI.”

A GAI spokeswoman told The Post that the relationships were later disclosed in the group’s annual filing with the IRS — submitted in November 2013, nine months after the GAI’s tax-exempt status was approved.

Charities are required to disclose business relationships among their directors on their initial applications for tax exemption so that the IRS can examine whether the organization is being formed for a proper public purpose.

So, there you have it.  Perjury. And ironically, no accountability.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

A note from Alfredo before the lunchtime rush: That’s why Republicns spent the last eight years cutting the budget of the IRS and trying to impeach the IRS Commissioner – so there would never be an investigation of the far right’s extensive use of 501(c)(3)s to elect Republican presidents and ensure a permanent conservative majority on the Supreme Court.


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