No, In Fact, You Cannot Spray Jesus With Roundup

July 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It’s North Carolina.

Many Christians believe Jesus can be found anywhere. In southern Lenoir County, he may be found on a utility pole.

The pole, about a mile south of Kinston, has attracted attention of some area residents. Some say the kudzu-covered post bears a striking resemblance to Jesus’ crucifixion.

Kent Hardison, who runs Ma’s Hotdog House less than a half mile from the pareidolia, rides by the Christ-resembling post each day. He said when he first saw the kudzu growing he almost sprayed it with herbicide.

“I glanced at it, and it looks like Jesus,” Hardison said. “I thought, ‘You can’t spray Jesus with Roundup.’ ”

A woman named Michelle Davis pretty much summed it up in a deep theological thought —

While the site may not be considered holy, Davis said the kudzu is symbolic.

“It doesn’t matter what you do, it is going to be around,” she said. “Ain’t that a lot like Jesus?”

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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