No Homework? Ka-powey!

January 29, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Even though it has been proven time and time again that where there’s more guns, there’s more homicides, the Texas Lege will consider not only arming teachers but give them to right to use deadly force, even in the protection of school property.

The bill is sponsored by Dan Flynn, a cowboy Republican.

DanSusan_April2013The Lone Star State already permits teachers to have firearms in the classroom, but H.B. 868, also known as the Teacher’s Protection Act, would authorize instructors to use “force or deadly force on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event in defense of the educator’s person or in defense of students of the school that employs the educator.” Instructors would also have the right to use deadly force “in defense of property of the school that employs the educator.” Moreover, civil immunity would be granted to those who use deadly force, meaning they would not be liable for the injury or death of student.

I do not understand how school teachers can be held unaccountable for injury or death to a child.  We just give them a Get Out of Jail Free card?  They can’t be sued?

Arming teachers has not worked too well.  You can ask The Google.  They tend to shoot themselves and the custodian.

Thanks to Vicki and Larry for the heads up.

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