No Gays But Lotsa Guns!

June 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Republican State Convention is going to be this weekend in Fort Worth.

The gays have been excommunicated and will not be allowed to have a booth at the convention because they are dangerous.  Not booths, gays.  Booths are probably not vicious in any manner.  Unless, of course, gays are in them.  Then … well, liberty.

But guns?  Hell, yeah.

“We expect to have people there carrying weapons,” Munisteri explained. “It’s a Republican crowd and that’s a crowd that’s used to people packing.

“If the city and the convention center leave it up to us, we will allow open carry and, of course, anyone with a concealed-carry license.”

Now the city of Fort Worth says you cannot open carry at their convention center because alcohol is going to be served there.  Of course it is.  How else could anybody stand being around that damn many Super DeLux Brand Christians?

And speaking of the Steeple People, what do you get when you combine guns, alcohol, and God?  I mean, other than a rogue drunk Taliban clique.  You get this —

Pastor Holcomb

Pastor Holcomb

Pastor Terry Holcomb, who is president of Texas Carry and a delegate from San Jacinto, said that the plan was to force the legislature to change the law.

“We’re trying to continue the pressure on the issue,” he said. “We’re hoping to get lawmakers’ attention by open-carrying during the convention.”

So Pastor Holcomb is trying to get the Texas Lege to allow carrying long guns while pushing back a few beers.  Because, well … Jesus.

In our ongoing effort to provide you with top quality educational opportunities, we thought you’d like to know that assault rifles are a Mexican invention.  Thanks to our friend Richard over at The Mex Files, you now have information to pass along to the ammosexuals.

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