No Fun With Guns: Open Carry Texas Edition
Veronica Dunnachie, a 35 year old woman in Arlington, Texas, filed for divorce from her husband last October. Yesterday, she went to the house where he lived with his adult daughter from another marriage and the couple’s three children.
She shot and killed her unarmed husband and his adult daughter and then drove herself to a mental health facility, where police found her.
This was almost dead solid perfect guaranteed to happen.
Veronica was an active member and proud demonstrator with Open Carry Texas, a group who feels the need to parade around town and in stores with military grade weapons. Just because they can.
Here she is demonstrating her ability. Click the little one to get the big one and read the cute comments from Cory Watkins, the head of Open Carry Texas.
And here she is on the left in an Open Carry Texas recruiting poster.
And there’s a group shot —
What is it going to take to see the mental health of these people who feel the need to carry weapons and scare the crap out of everyone? Target kicked them out but Kroger is letting them carry. I quit going to Kroger.
I know this isn’t funny. It’s serious. Deadly serious.
Thanks to Stephanie for the heads up.