No, Dammit. No. No. No.

January 28, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night an Iraqi citizen, who is highly praised by US military troops for his work with them, was detained at Kennedy Airport in New York.  His wife and child waited in Houston.

I am without words because there are no words.  Except NO.

This used to be America, land of the free and home of the brave.

The New York Times asks itself where this horrifying fear of Muslims came from.  They found the answer.   Rightwing fake news.  So Steve Bannon, who made up most of these stories, is running our country now and is going to make this a religious war, playing right into the hands of Isis.

I’m putting on my marching shoes.

So, to all you Republicans who asked me to give Donald Trump a chance, I did.  Look at the mess he has made.


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0 Comments to “No, Dammit. No. No. No.”

  1. Next he’ll make all Muslims wear yellow crescents, and we know what the next step after that is.

    We need a reality-based adult in the White House, not this careering buffoon.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf sez America will give preference to kristian terrorists from these regions.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    We thought it would be Pence pulling all the puppet strings, but it has come to light that it is definitely Boozehound Bannon giving the directions to Trumplethinskin to sign all those damn Executive Orders. It’s Bannon leading us down the Soviet path of dictatorshipdom.

    Stakes and silver bullets … SMDH

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    “I’m putting on my marching shoes.

    So, to all you Republicans who asked me to give Donald Trump a chance, I did. Look at the mess he has made.”

    There’s st00pid, then there is the level of criminal st00pidity shown by this administration in a week. Do they even know what intelligence assets are and why we honor, protect, and reward those who work with us?

    Every sane thing is under attack by this administration.

  5. Usually an executive order is worked on by lawyers and cabinet officers relevant to the order before it can be signed by the President.they do a lot of nit picking. I am betting my pocket lint that none of this happened. Hence, it goes to court and may even get as high as SCOTUS before it can be implemented. So Trump may not know that or even Bannon. Pence amy even be out of the loop on such protocol. And for gosh sakes, don’t ask Rince. I think he is hiding somewhere in the People’s House.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    Trumplethinskin may sign everything but the outhouse door that Bannon lays in front of him via Pence, but if the other folks necessary to get any of those so-called orders passed into actual law, don’t give him the go-ahead … hopefully none of this hatefulness will ever see the light of day!! They will placate him till, hopefully, he explodes … and then there will be Pence!!
    Holy crappola … we’re in deep doo-doo no matter how it goes!!

  7. Where are the Democratic Senators and Reps? Why are we not hearing outrage from more than two or three of them?

    In Moscow, Idaho (population @25,000) the march last weekend had 2500- 10% of residents. Not bad for Idaho.
    But where do we go from here? Where are the follow up websites, emails, organizations, etc? Perhaps TWMDBS readers can post follow-up information.

  8. Rhea: I’m with you on your comment.

    An even more chilling thought – Who will they target next? Mexicans, hispanics, elderly, LGT, disabled?

    And why are there no DEMS speaking out? Have they lost their backbone and integrity?

  9. After 7 days, we are here. Where will we be in another 30 days?

    Some one said that you can be the steamroller or the pavement. I guess the Dems are still playing their role.

    Perhaps the time to march was before the election. What now Democratic Party leadership?

  10. Larry from Colorado says:

    I turned on CNN a few minutes ago, and he’s been released.
    Speaking of “turned on” it seems CNN has turned on Drumpf, and is the one source of criticism I can see on the TV where I am, outside the USA right now.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    First, they came for the…

    I believe y’all know the rest.

    Stop it now or there’s no stopping it.

  12. The Trump Trifecta:

    1) Foreign
    2) Possibly Muslim
    3) Scientist, and educated

    Trump is laying the groundwork for the 2020 election, keeping out one vote at a time.

  13. linda: Thanks for marching! I was lucky enough to be able to go to DC and how wonderful that was (all things considering). The more amazing experience was coming home after it all and finding out how the rest of the world responded.

    The Womens March organization have 10 actions for the first 100 days. Check it out. You can also get on their mailing list and they are sending out suggested actions (e.g. how to get your voice heard about Sessions). At the DC march Michael Moore mentioned other sites that are sending out suggestions of how to keep this all going. I suggest you listed to his speech ( a little long, but still informative)

    Hope this helps.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Political columnists are counseling us to give the Hungry Ghost 100 days. I wonder if we would have any avenues of protest or act in 100 days.

  15. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @linda#7- you’d do yourself and the readers here a great service by reminding them that Moscow,Idaho is a university town and only tenuously connected to the rest of Idaho. I gave up on that “land of the free” “Home…” stuff while serving in the Army during our nation’s military misadventure in southeast Asia. Except for individual personal cases it’s not true. @Marcia in CO#6 Bannon I note’s only military experience was as an occifer in the blue water navy so he’s never been shot at with deadly intent. I’d also note he was missing when the snacilbupers were “swiftboating” his comrade-in arms. No surprise there, but it is indicative of his level of courage.

  16. I’m in “Indivisible,” as in the Pledge, “One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for All.” Rachel Maddow talked about this group on her show. This is a good place to start with Indivisible:

    I’m also on the mailing list for the Women’s March, though I was unable to attend. On the Web page is a banner across the top for “10 actions for the first 100 days.”

    All this reminds me I need to send my greasy, sleezy, slimy congressman another email. Jason Lewis, ick. Among other things, I’m going to tell him that District 2 will not look favorably on Defending PP. The white exurbs in the northern part of my district might think a religious ban is not all bad. Those are the creeps who elected Loser Lewis. Idiots electing an idiot. Damn.

  17. Heard on my car radio while doing errands today that two Congresscritters actually went to the airport in New York (?) and talked the border patrol out of keeping a Muslim they had detained as soon as he deplaned. Never got their names. Anyone know? I was kind of blown away when I heard that.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie and his morons are igniting protests, as decent Americans show them what is important to Americans.

  19. Bwahahahahahaha! The Repulsive Toddler is galvanizing the good guys like I haven’t seen since 1972. We’re gonna kick your a$$ all across this continent, you psychotic, cruel, pathetic, puny, tiny handed, repulsive, disgusting piece of rancid filth. Bwahahahahahaha!

  20. (God I hate him.)

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    Debbo: That deserves all caps, exclamation point, and no parens. And bold font if possible.

  22. Rick in CO says:

    I am ashamed that this child has been elected to the highest office in our land. I am at the same time, so proud of our judicial system and it’s swift and decisive action to stop the Trump racist train.
    I gave my word, decades ago, to protect and defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic- this oath did not have an expiration date, I will march, call my representatives in the government, and do anything I can to oppose and stop the treasonous acts and actors of and in my government and country.

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    And a travel note:

    To all Americans planning on travel outside the US, watch your back. The “Ugly American” is in the WH and making enemies. Also, if by foolish chance, you planned to stay at a Trump property, I suggest you change your booking. Bon voyage!
