No Cheerleading for Democrats

March 01, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We promised people a $15 minimum wage.

A $15 minimum wage comes close to providing a living wage for someone who works 40 hours a week.  They also deserve sick days, health insurance, paid vacation, and a retirement plan, but we’ll get to that later.

Right now, we owe them a $15 an hour minimum wage.

I do not want to hear that we can’t do it because we can. What I hear is that we won’t do it.

That is wrong. We need to be as good as our word. More importantly, we need to be good for America and for Americans.

I am disappointed in my party.  If Mitt Romney has courage to say that about his party, I need to gut up and say it about mine.


One more thing. Friday was kinda a special day for Bubba and me so we went out the eat for the first time in more than a year.  It’s a family owned restaurant with great enchiladas and a big patio.  We went at an off hour so the place was almost empty. We always tip 20% because we’re Democrats and we gotta walk the walk.  Our waitress was attentive and very careful serving us so we tipped a little extra. As we were getting into our car, she opened the door of the restaurant and waved at us saying, “Thank you.”

I’m sure she works on tips – life has gotta be kinda bleak for her.  So, tip a little extra.


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0 Comments to “No Cheerleading for Democrats”

  1. Nick Carraway says:

    I’m sick and tired of the GOP soulless goons like Dan Patrick and Rick Perry trying to speak for the majority. No, a majority do not want to suffer through cold and darkness to serve the deregulation gods. No, a majority would not resent paying an extra dollar for the Big Mac if it meant that cook or cashier got a living wage. Most of us really won’t miss the extra dollar that much.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Joe Manchin – wonder what he plans to do when a stand alone minimum wage bill comes up, which needs to be done. Will he continue to run as a pseudo democrat.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    It was suggested as $15 twelve years ago. No reason/excuse to back down from that. Today contrary to what Joe Manchin says, that would almost be adequate in WV. But it is a start, so yes Ms. JJ, let’s not retreat off that goal.

    My understanding is that VP Harris could overrule the Senate parliamentarian on this, but the Biden administration isn’t ready to fight that battle? jmo But fight, Joe, please fight. Moscow Mitch and the QOP will never play nice.

    If it helps, we’ll contact our 2 Democratic NV Senators for a 2 cents constituent “advisory.” lol As if they couldn’t guess our stance before opening any e-mail on nearly every issue.

    Nick @1, iirc back when this was first suggested 12 years ago the comparison was approx. 3 cents on a large pizza ~$20. Bottom line: few pennies on several dollars. Not exorbitant whatsoever.

  4. So no minimum wage increase, no COVID relief yet, no M4A, but we can bomb other countries.

  5. What the Repugnants are so afraid of and not willing to admit is that pretty much all of that raise will go right back into the economy. Folks will be buying more food for their tables, replacing a worn out pair of shoes sooner, buying a new jacket, or maybe even a heavier winter coat, etc., etc. These are all things that actually help STIMULATE THE ECONOMY. They won’t be stashing any monies in the Grand Caymans like the 1%.

    If folks ever figure this out (again), like after FDR the Repugnants won’t be voted in for another long time. Well, until forgetfulness takes over once again. :/

  6. Weakgrip says:

    When Oregon went to $15/hr it was not statewide recognizing different standards of living. Like SE Oregon went to maybe $12.
    The national wage could be tailored to regional situations Texas could have $15 in metros $13 in medium areas and $11 in Gohmerts district
    Across the board is less achievable

  7. maybe $5 in gomert’s district to get their attention

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I propose that members of congress be paid the current minimum wage for their state for hours actually working (and not campaigning). That would help the deficit as well.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Steve @8 most excellent suggestion. Might move some of that constipation in Congress erroneously called gridlock.

  10. Sorry, not sorry, but I’m not yet ready to give up on Democrats and the minimum wage. Get the COVID package thru. Don’t give the T’s a reason not to pass it. Then tackle the minimum wage.

  11. john in denver says:

    Steve @8 and Jane & PKM @9 —

    You think people in Congress work for the salary? Or would be impacted by it being $7.25/hour rather than $87/hour? Sure, a few would … but “Using average net worth, 48 percent of House and Senate members are worth at least $1 million.” And if you cut the salary, the number of rich people would only go up.

  12. john in denver says:

    Jane & PKM @ 2, saying “My understanding is that VP Harris could overrule the Senate parliamentarian on this, but the Biden administration isn’t ready to fight that battle?”

    VP Harris could indeed overlook the advice of the Senate Parliamentarian and announce the $15/hour rule surely IS related enough to revenues that it ought to be a part of the reconciliation package. And the Senate Parliamentarian would smile and say nothing about it.

    Then, there would be a privileged motion from the floor, asking for the ruling of the Senate’s President (VP Harris) to be overruled. And a substitute motion asking the ruling to be upheld (or vice versa). Then, with little time for debate, there would be votes. If everyone is healthy and all 100 Senators are present, 50 Republicans would vote to overturn/not uphold. 48 Democrats would to NOT overturn/and uphold. And it would come down to Manchin and Sinema, who have already said they will not support a mandatory $15 federal wage. Harris’ ruling is NOT sustained, and the $15 wage remains blocked from being a part of the reconciliation.

    Unless Schumer has firm commitments from 2 or more Republicans to vote with the Democrats or some language that would make the matter acceptable to Manchin and Sinema, it is going to be a symbolic, but losing vote for Democrats. About the best that would happen is making it clear WHO is blocking the minimum wage increase.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    John in Denver- I’m sure money doesn’t mean much to most of them, but maybe on their checks print the words “this is what many of your constituents have to live on and support families”. None of this will make any difference but the house and Senate Democrats need to make republicans and pseudo democrats go on the record to oppose a minimum wage that fits the 2020’s. The first priority has to be the Covid relief bill, but then be relentless on making them known. Many are running for 2022 already. Biden has to be the head of the snake on pushing the minimum wage or be called out on it.

  14. Desktop @ #6:

    I’ve driven through SE Oregon, and it costs more than $15 an hour in gas money to get to the next gas station.

    But it’s not West Texas. It’s so dry there the trees follow the dogs around.

  15. Grandma Ada says:

    Whatever they do, they need to reverse the Herman Cain rule that food service get something like $2 per hour – they need the same as everyone else. Raise prices a bit, no one will quit going for good food, waiters will have a steady income and then we can leave a smaller tip.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not-a-democrat joe manshit is not only against raising the minimum wage, he’s now trying to screw with the Covid relief bill stimulus checks and unemployment benefits. Obviously his campaign for re-election is in full swing as the anti democrat.
    What a piece of shit.

  17. Bill F. says:

    I know Democrats promised a lot and are underperforming, Moscow Mitch plays a long game and I think Biden will have to too. First, get a relief bill passed. That’s money in people’s pockets, and the path to that is clear.

    Then create a stand-alone minimum wage bill that all 50 Democrats will vote for. If Manchin won’t do $15 over 5 years, get him to agree to $11 over 2 years. That’s still a raise for a lot of folks. Then make the Republicans vote against cloture every week.

    Meanwhile, big infrastructure bill. If 10 Repubs will support it, great, if not more public cloture votes. Pressure the Republicans and more importantly, quietly pressure Manchin and Sinema. Same with voting rights. If you can get the Republicans to agree to anything that helps people, great, but build a case with the American people that the filibuster has to go. That’s the big prize these next two years. Get rid of it, protect voting rights, and add two states.

  18. Opinionated Hussy says:

    @ Bill F. – And there, my friends, is the long game.
