Nice Work If You Can Get It

June 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen is fascinated about how Duncan Hunter pulled off his scam of stealing his campaign donations for personal use for so long.  He found an example and it goes like this.

In January of 2010, Hunter flew to Reno, Nevada ostensibly to attend a convention for a non-profit group. After a brief stop at the convention, Hunter and his lobbyist [girlfriend] headed for a ski resort near Lake Tahoe, where they spent the weekend skiing and ordering room service, according to the filing.

Hunter used campaign funds to rent the car, pay the hotel tab and fly back to Washington.

Safari Club International held its annual convention in Reno, Nevada in January 20-23, 2010.

The Safari Club International PAC gave a $2,000 contribution to Hunter on January 22, 2010, which they mistakenly(?) reported as going to his father’s campaign committee.

COMMITTEE TO RE-ELECT CONGRESSMAN DUNC 9340 FUERTE DR #302  LA MESA, California 91941  01/22/2010 Campaign Contribution 2,000.00

However, Hunter Sr’s campaign had closed in 2008.


So the ‘brief stop” at the Safari Club International convention was for Hunter to pick up a $2,000 PAC check to cover the costs of his weekend tryst with a lobbyist.

I gotta tell you something. If Hunter had used all the time and strategic planning he used to rip off his campaign donors and instead used it to cure the common cold, we’d be a sneeze-free America.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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