Nice Try, GOP

March 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The list of possible Republican Presidential candidates is getting as empty as last years bird’s nest.

I think we can safely figure that Chris Christie burned that bridge behind him.

I think Rand Paul might be a long shot, what with somebody’s booty hair taped to his head and the simple fact that he makes a hornet look cuddly.

But, they found a savior.  Jeb Bush.

Oh, quit laughing.  They might be on to something.  Heck, he was the brother who predicted that Dubya would win Florida on election night and kept his word by … I dunno, I don’t want to call it cheating but … oh hell, it was cheating.

Sheldon AdelsonThe latest news is that Bush met with Sheldon Adelson, that scary guy from Vegas who threw millions at Romney.  Apparently, Adelson can really pick ‘um.

And Bush is meeting with the evangelicals to see if he can’t get born again again.  Hell Honey, they can take him down to the river and baptize him but afterwards we’d all have to skim nasty ole Bush for a week.  Truth be know, you couldn’t scrub the Bush off him with a Brillo pad and bristle brush.

Oh yeah, and Henry Kissinger supports him.

Bwaaaa… shiver.

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