Next Time, Put It In a Sack and Set It On Fire.

November 30, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You guys know Bob Perry, the super duper rightwing guy who got his start in politics by funding Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.  Bob Perry, of course, never served in the military and couldn’t find truth with a compass, Tonto, and a bloodhound named Google.

But, that whole thing gave him a rush so now instead of spending money on his home construction business so he might build good houses or paying his workers a fair wage, Bob continues to buy politicians.  I mean, he got such a bargain with George Bush.

This election cycle he totally wasted $10 million plus on trying to elect Romney.  I say “plus” because some figures are still coming in.  It seems he also wasted another million trying to defeat Jon Tester in Montana and Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota.

Don’t ya just love it when that happens?

It’s Friday so it must be lunch at the Dairy Queen with Alfredo.

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