Newt’s Playing The Crazy Card

April 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, poor ole Newt is so broke that he can’t even pay attention and there’s cobwebs in his billfold.

He went from Tiffany’s and Greek Isle Cruises to WalMart and Bubba’s Swamp Tours because he spent all his money on trying to be President.  You’d have thought that somebody would pull him aside and say, “Newt, save your money.  You ain’t gonna be President.  You left two wives while they were sick.  You tried to impeach a President who gave us 8 years of peace and prosperity.  You look like a Weeble.  You have a very irritating voice, an even worse prissy attitude, and your grip on reality is oily and sweaty.”

But, no, folks just let him spend all his money and lot of everybody else’s, too.

So, what does Newt do next with his oily sweaty grip?  He trash talks his meal ticket – Fox news.

During a meeting with 18 Delaware Tea Party leaders here on Wednesday, Newt Gingrich lambasted FOX News Channel, accusing the cable network of having been in the tank for Mitt Romney from the beginning of the Republican presidential fight. An employee himself of the news outlet as recently as last year, he also cited former colleagues for attacking him out of what he characterized as personal jealousy.

Yep.  They are very jealous of Newt.  Here’s a guy who is in fifth place in a race where nobody likes the frontrunner and the second place guy just dropped out.

I mean, you gotta work at being 5th place in a field of 4.  You can’t do that by accident.

So, Newt just blew off his chance to make money and hear his own voice — which is kinda like a Gingrichgasm for him — on Fox News.

But, there’s a plan afoot.

Gingrich is playing footsy with CNN.

“In our experience, Callista and I both believe CNN is less biased than FOX this year. We are more likely to get neutral coverage out of CNN than we are of FOX, and we’re more likely to get distortion out of FOX. That’s just a fact.”

The whole article is a hoot for Gingrich mental health watchers. He claims that George Wills is envious of him and that he “doesn’t go to their Christmas Parties and cocktail parties.” Dude, they don’t invite you.

And the reason he thinks he can still win the nomination?

“I just had 15 people say ‘thank you’ for staying in,” Gingrich said. “We had 3,500 people send money to online after 2 o’clock yesterday saying, ‘Please stay in.’ ”

I’ll betcha Mitt Romney is jealous!

Thanks to Jimbo and Prentiss for the heads-up.

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