Newt Gingrich: Swamp Monster

December 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now that Newt Gingrich has declared that Donald Trump is going to be above the law

newtthedick“The Constitution gives the president of the United States an extraordinarily wide grant of authority to use the power of the pardon. I’m not saying he should. I’m not saying he will. It also allows a president in a national security moment to say to somebody, go do X even if it’s technically against the law and here’s your pardon because I am ordering you as commander-in-chief to go do this.”

… he’s decided that Trump was just being “cute” when he said “drain the swamp.”

Said Gingrich: “I’m told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore… Maybe he feels that as president, as the next president of the United States, that he should be marginally more dignified than talking about alligators in swamps.”

Dignified?  Hell, Newt, “drain the swamp” is the most dignified thing Trump has ever said.

So, in Newt’s screwy mind, Trump can order somebody to go rob a bank, pardon them, and then use that money for more sludge for the swamp. Ain’t America grand!

Newt, who once called himself “too intellectual” to be president, has got this all figured out. Now if he could just find a job … Newt resigned Congress in disgrace in January of 1999 and hasn’t held a real job since then.  Too intellectual to work for a living.


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0 Comments to “Newt Gingrich: Swamp Monster”

  1. I’ve watched the Trump nominations rolling in, and don’t see why all employment packages aren’t offered with pardon included. I don’t think we need to wait for Trump to ask any of them to “go do X even if it’s technically against the law,” I think that’s a given.

  2. “Drain the swamp” is up there with “grab ’em by the pussy”–locker room talk doesn’t mean anything.

    Too bad his whole campaign was locker room talk.

  3. So the Drumpf presidency will be remembered for its inhuman repetition of cliché?

  4. Has anyone considered the notion that Donnie’s stacking his cabinet with people who have as much to gain as (or maybe more than) him as much to contribute to the ole “see everybody does it” excuse for bad actions as anything else? I get the idea of putting people in charge of institutions that have every interest in dismantling them. Viva free market! But think about it. When he’s into year three of his victory lap roadshow, so obviously not responsible for the chaos these people have created, he’s got the added benefit of of being able to point at these cretins and say “see? These guys and their cronies destroyed their respective agencies and made billions while my family just maintained our existing assets”

  5. I’m not surprised that Newt called himself “too intellectual” to be president. He does have a brain in his head, however warped it is. And it’s been a GOP mantra since at least 1980 that the Democratic candidate is “too smart to be president.” They certainly have a great recent track record of nominating, and tolerating as primary candidates, people who have no business being within twelve miles of the Oval Office.

    Proof that Newt has a brain: he once appeared in a TV spot with Nancy Pelosi, agreeing with her that we needed to take action on climate change. They got to him afterwards, of course.

  6. It’s a sound strategy: when Drumpf overflows the swamp it begins to drain and the heavyweights will wash out the lightweights.

  7. Oh, urk!!! Whenever Newtie opens his mouth, my ears automatically shut down! Cannot stand his drivel! Has he never heard of Watergate? Sam Erwin? Nixon, Haldeman and Erlichman? Or was he in some sort of coma! Nixon chose to quit rather than face impeachment. The rest of that benighted bunch spent various terms in jail! Nixon couldn’t pardon them before he left as they had not yet been tried in court. Ya see, Newtie? That’s how it works!

  8. Newt’s full comments are even worse, and perfectly representative of all of them. IOKIYTF
    The John Birch Society is bringing us a v4.0 plutokleptocratic fascism as quickly as they can… Willkommen im Vierten Reich!

    As one who has actually seen, up close, real American Alligators attack, kill, dismember, and eat (not necessarily in that order) their prey, in their own swampy habitat (the RG Valley has chingos of gators), I can say I dearly wish such a fate on most of these vile Repukes (it is even more violent and bloody than it sounds, as the gator snaps its’ head to and fro and sprays blood and chunks all over).

    Hell, throw them all into a giant pit of hungry alligators, crocodilians of every kind; with a high proportion of those really big and mean Aussie salties to chomp down on the fattest of them (like Cheato, Newtie, Huckster, CC (anybody heard from him lately? bwahaha).
    The teabaggers want some white-hot hatred, they got it coming now…

  9. Newt notes”…Maybe he feels that, as president, as the next president of the United States, that he should be marginally more dignified than talking about alligators in swamps.”

    To bad Trump didn’t think about presidential dignity when he boasted about the size of his penis during the presidential debates.

    The nude photos of Melanoma don’t help with the dignity of the presidential office, either.

  10. maybe Newt can be the Czar of Ethics Avoidance

  11. Newt can sit on a stalagmite, forcefully.

  12. “Drain the Swamp” is a horrible metaphor. Swamps are *good* things — centers of life and evolution. Draining them is a Really Bad Idea, so the metaphor isn’t “cute” or even reasonable. It’s just plain wrong and it distresses me that so many people (no matter what their political outlook) repeat it without thinking.

    And of course it was created without a thought or a care. Why am I not surprised by that?

    Over on Twitter, a bunch of biologists have created the hashtag #ReignTheSwamp — which will give folks an idea of what I’m talking about.


  13. Vonda N. McIntyre,
    You’re exactly right about swamps (and (smelly) estuaries, bays, etc.), some of the Earth’s most productive and diverse places of all.
    (from an old swamp-rat, since about the age of 5; lakes, woods, mountains and oceans rat too)

    PS: TWMDBS website function is still F’ed up, have to manually refresh/reload pages to get current, ‘reply’ fields need manual fillout, etc.
    Using at least two browser types so far, too lazy to do a full six or eight browser, multi-operating sys tryout.

  14. But he had to drain the swamp so he could dredge up the bottom-feeders and put them in his Cabinet!

  15. Second on Sandridge’s PS about the website. Also no longer sends me to the post about the Trump shirt, but now I get 20 Dec’s “Selling Access” and have to scroll down the comments and hit the next post as many times as necessary to get to the current one.

    It’s worth it, but it will be better when it works as it used to. (I wish I worked as I used to….)

  16. They need to pump the septic tank. Not drain the swamp.
    But then who would run the place into the ground?

  17. The fricking last straw was seeing Rick Perry nominated for head of the Department of Energy. If absolute disregard for the country and the environment wasn’t apparent before, Perry screams Big Oil. That Gingrich thinks he has a platform to speak about anything is another harbinger of doom.

  18. Bud Malonee says:

    Gingrich could give us all a Merry Christmas by just going away – far away.

  19. In the matter of World v Cheney:

    Held: Trump can’t pardon torture or war crimes, so please to STFU.

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    Love Newtie’s new hostage video sucking back his earlier comments about “Drain the Swamp” going bye bye. It certainly appears that either Donnie’s foot or short little vulgarian fingers reached Newtie.

    Hostages thus far: Mitt, Gov Cartman and Newtie.

    Bets on next? Maybe Lyin’ Ryan or the Turtleman.

  21. I’m gonna fight those stinking traitors as hard as I can in all the ways that I can, but I’m not always going to read about their assholery because I don’t want to spend the next 4 years fighting depression. I fight it sometimes anyway. I’m just going to take it for granted the snacilbupeR are practicing their assholery religiously. It’s their only real religion anyway.

  22. When I was a little kid we sometimes had salamanders get into our dirt basement. (We was po’) My big brother once sprinkled salt on one. I’ll never forget how it writhed and twisted while it slowly and painfully died. It was horrible to my 5 year old eyes.

    That’s what I want for the Newt and all the Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat’s gang.
